Note: Last updated 28 Mar 1995.
Virtual Reality Markup Language, or VRML, is an evolving specification for a platform-independent definition of 3-dimensional spaces within the WorldWideWeb. It is designed to combine the best features of virtual reality, networked visualization, and the global hypermedia enviornment of the WorldWideWeb.
Due to the intense interest expressed within the WorldWideWeb community during WWW '94 in Geneva, we have begun an open forum discussion for the design and implementation of a platform-independent language for virtual reality object design/scene design/linkage to the Web. We hope that this site will grow into a major resource for individuals and groups developing VRML viewers/authoring tools/etc. There are a number of links from this site to other works, including two papers from WWW '94 which outline, in some detail, the requirements for VRML.
To subscribe to the list send mail to: No subject field, message body: subscribe www-vrml your-email-address Within a few minutes you should get a reply from the server at We hope to see you there!Mark Pesce (
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