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Class w3c.jigsaw.resources.FileResource


public class FileResource
extends FilteredResource

Variable Index

 o acceptRanges
Does this resource support byte ranges.
Attributes index - The filename attribute.
Attribute index - The date at which we last checked the file content.
Attribute index - Do we allow PUT method on this file.
 o file
The file we refer to.

Constructor Index

 o FileResource()

Method Index

 o checkContent()
Check this file content, and update attributes if needed.
 o checkIfMatch(Request)
Check the If-Match condition of that request.
 o checkIfModifiedSince(Request)
Check the If-Modified-Since condition of that request.
 o checkIfNoneMatch(Request)
Check the If-None-Match condition of that request.
 o checkIfUnmodifiedSince(Request)
Check the If-Unmodified-Since condition of that request.
 o createDefaultReply(Request, int)
Create a reply to answer to request on this file.
 o get(Request)
The GET method on files.
 o getBackupFile()
Get the name of the backup file for this resource.
 o getFile()
Get this file resource file name.
 o getFilename()
Get this resource filename attribute.
 o getFileStamp()
Get the date at which we last examined the file.
 o getPutableFlag()
Get the PUT'able flag (are we allow to PUT to the resource ?)
 o handleRangeRequest(Request, HttpRange)
 o head(Request)
The HEAD method on files, and their sub-classes.
 o initialize(Object[])
Initialize the FileResource instance.
 o newContent(InputStream)
Save the given stream as the underlying file content.
 o put(Request)
Put a new entity in this resource.
 o setValue(int, Object)
Set some of this resource attribute.
 o updateAttributes()
Update our computed attributes.
 o updateCachedHeaders()
Uupdate the cached headers for this resource.
 o updateFileAttributes()
Update the file related attributes.
 o verify()
Is that resource still wrapping an existing file ? If the underlying file has disappeared and if the container directory is extensible, remove the resource.


 protected static int ATTR_FILENAME
Attributes index - The filename attribute.

 protected static int ATTR_PUTABLE
Attribute index - Do we allow PUT method on this file.

 protected static int ATTR_FILESTAMP
Attribute index - The date at which we last checked the file content.

 o file
 protected File file
The file we refer to. This is a cached version of some attributes, so we need to override the setValue method in order to be able to catch any changes to it.

 o acceptRanges
 protected boolean acceptRanges
Does this resource support byte ranges.


 o FileResource
 public FileResource()


 o getFilename
 public String getFilename()
Get this resource filename attribute.

 o getPutableFlag
 public boolean getPutableFlag()
Get the PUT'able flag (are we allow to PUT to the resource ?)

 o getFileStamp
 public long getFileStamp()
Get the date at which we last examined the file.

 o getBackupFile
 public File getBackupFile()
Get the name of the backup file for this resource.

A File object suitable to receive the backup version of this file.
 o newContent
 protected synchronized boolean newContent(InputStream in) throws IOException
Save the given stream as the underlying file content. This method preserve the old file version in a ~ file.

in - The input stream to use as the resource entity.
A boolean, true if the resource was just created, false otherwise.
Throws: IOException
If dumping the content failed.
 o checkContent
 protected long checkContent()
Check this file content, and update attributes if needed. This method is normally called before any perform request is done, so that we make sure that all meta-informations is up to date before handling a request.

The time of the last update to the resource.
 o updateCachedHeaders
 protected void updateCachedHeaders()
Uupdate the cached headers for this resource.

updateCachedHeaders in class HTTPResource
 o createDefaultReply
 public Reply createDefaultReply(Request request,
                                 int status)
Create a reply to answer to request on this file. This method will create a suitable reply (matching the given request) and will set all its default header values to the appropriate values.

request - The request to make a reply for.
An instance of Reply, suited to answer this request.
createDefaultReply in class HTTPResource
 o setValue
 public synchronized void setValue(int idx,
                                   Object value)
Set some of this resource attribute. We just catch here any write access to the filename's, to update our cache file object.

setValue in class HTTPResource
 o getFile
 public synchronized File getFile()
Get this file resource file name.

 o checkIfMatch
 public int checkIfMatch(Request request)
Check the If-Match condition of that request.

checkIfMatch in class HTTPResource
 o checkIfNoneMatch
 public int checkIfNoneMatch(Request request)
Check the If-None-Match condition of that request.

checkIfNoneMatch in class HTTPResource
 o checkIfModifiedSince
 public int checkIfModifiedSince(Request request)
Check the If-Modified-Since condition of that request.

checkIfModifiedSince in class HTTPResource
 o checkIfUnmodifiedSince
 public int checkIfUnmodifiedSince(Request request)
Check the If-Unmodified-Since condition of that request.

checkIfUnmodifiedSince in class HTTPResource
 o handleRangeRequest
 public Reply handleRangeRequest(Request request,
                                 HttpRange r) throws HTTPException
 o head
 public Reply head(Request request) throws HTTPException
The HEAD method on files, and their sub-classes.

A Reply instance.
head in class HTTPResource
 o get
 public Reply get(Request request) throws HTTPException
The GET method on files. Check for the last modified time against the IMS if any. If OK, emit a not modified reply, otherwise, emit the whole file.

request - The request to handle.
Throws: HTTPException
If some error occured.
get in class HTTPResource
 o verify
 public synchronized boolean verify()
Is that resource still wrapping an existing file ? If the underlying file has disappeared and if the container directory is extensible, remove the resource.

verify in class HTTPResource
 o put
 public synchronized Reply put(Request request) throws HTTPException, ClientException
Put a new entity in this resource.

request - The request to handle.
put in class HTTPResource
 o updateFileAttributes
 public void updateFileAttributes()
Update the file related attributes. The file we serve has changed since the last time we checked it, if any of the attribute values depend on the file content, this is the appropriate place to recompute them.

 o updateAttributes
 public void updateAttributes()
Update our computed attributes.

updateAttributes in class Resource
 o initialize
 public void initialize(Object values[])
Initialize the FileResource instance.

initialize in class FilteredResource

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