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Class w3c.jigsaw.http.Reply


public class Reply
extends HttpReplyMessage

Variable Index

 o chunkable
Should this reply be chunked ?
 o chunked
 o filters
 o infilters
 o is_proxy
Is this reply a proxy reply.
 o output

Constructor Index

 o Reply(Client)
Create a new Reply instance for the given client.
 o Reply(Client, Request, short, short, int)
Create a new reply for the given client.

Method Index

 o canChunkTransfer()
 o getInputFileDescriptor()
 o getOutputStream()
Get that reply output stream.
 o getOutputStream(boolean)
Get the reply output stream.
 o hasContentLength()
 o hasContentType()
 o hasStream()
 o keepProxyConnection()
 o openStream()
Open this reply body stream.
 o setContent(String)
Set this reply content.
 o setFilters(HTTPFilter[], int)
 o setKeepAlive(String)
 o setKeepConnection(boolean)
 o setProxy(boolean)
Mark this reply as being a proxy reply.
 o setProxyConnection(String)
 o setStatus(Integer)
 o setStream(HtmlGenerator)
Sets the reply stream to the given HtmlGenerator stream.
 o setStream(InputStream)
 o tryKeepConnection()


 protected static HttpMimeType DEFAULT_TYPE
 protected static HttpTokenList CONNECTION
 o is_proxy
 protected boolean is_proxy
Is this reply a proxy reply.

 o filters
 protected HTTPFilter filters[]
 o infilters
 protected int infilters
 o output
 protected OutputStream output
 o chunkable
 protected Boolean chunkable
Should this reply be chunked ?

 o chunked
 protected static String chunked[]


 o Reply
 public Reply(Client client)
Create a new Reply instance for the given client.

client - The client to who this reply is directed.
 o Reply
 public Reply(Client client,
              Request request,
              short major,
              short minor,
              int status)
Create a new reply for the given client.

client - The client ot who the reply is directed.


 o setStatus
 public void setStatus(Integer status)
 o hasContentLength
 public boolean hasContentLength()
 o hasContentType
 public boolean hasContentType()
 o setKeepAlive
 public void setKeepAlive(String value)
 o setProxyConnection
 public void setProxyConnection(String value)
 o keepProxyConnection
 public boolean keepProxyConnection()
 o getInputFileDescriptor
 public FileDescriptor getInputFileDescriptor()
Note: getInputFileDescriptor() is deprecated.

 o setKeepConnection
 public void setKeepConnection(boolean onoff)
 o tryKeepConnection
 public boolean tryKeepConnection()
 o setProxy
 public void setProxy(boolean onoff)
Mark this reply as being a proxy reply.

 o setStream
 public void setStream(HtmlGenerator g)
Sets the reply stream to the given HtmlGenerator stream.

g - The HtmlGenerator whose output is to be used as the reply body.
 o hasStream
 public boolean hasStream()
 o openStream
 public InputStream openStream()
Open this reply body stream. This is used to send the reply body back to the client.

An InputStream containing the reply body, which is dumped back to the client.
 o setStream
 public void setStream(InputStream is)
 o setFilters
 protected void setFilters(HTTPFilter filters[],
                           int infilters)
 o getOutputStream
 public synchronized OutputStream getOutputStream(boolean doEmit) throws IOException
Get the reply output stream.

doEmit - Emit that reply before giving out the output stream.
An OutputStream instance.
Throws: IOException
If the output stream could not get opened.
 o getOutputStream
 public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
Get that reply output stream. The reply is first emitted to the stream, and the opened stream is returned back to the caller.

An OutputStream instance.
Throws: IOException
If the output stream could not get opened.
 o canChunkTransfer
 public boolean canChunkTransfer()
 o setContent
 public void setContent(String msg)
Set this reply content. This method allows to set the reply content to a simple String instance.

msg - The reply content.

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