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Class w3c.jigsaw.formedit.FormResourceEditor


public class FormResourceEditor
extends HTTPResource
implements ResourceLocker

Constructor Index

 o FormResourceEditor()

Method Index

 o clone()
Clone the generic form based resource editor.
 o get(Request)
If a get is performed directly on this resource, edit the root.
 o getNextURLPart()
Generate a new uniq identifier for the editor's resource.
 o initialize(Object[])
initialize this resource editor.
 o lookup(LookupState, LookupResult)
lookup a resource in the editor space.
 o lookupTarget(HTTPResource, LookupState)
Lookup the target we want to edit in the server space.
 o notifyResourceLockBreak(Resource)
Resource locker implementation - This resource is going down.


 o FormResourceEditor
 public FormResourceEditor()


 o clone
 public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
Clone the generic form based resource editor.

clone in class Object
 o getNextURLPart
 protected String getNextURLPart()
Generate a new uniq identifier for the editor's resource.

 o notifyResourceLockBreak
 public synchronized void notifyResourceLockBreak(Resource r)
Resource locker implementation - This resource is going down.

resource - The resource going down.
 o lookupTarget
 public HTTPResource lookupTarget(HTTPResource resource,
                                  LookupState state) throws HTTPException
Lookup the target we want to edit in the server space.

state - A lookup state to pursue to find the target.
An instance of Resource, or null.
 o lookup
 public boolean lookup(LookupState ls,
                       LookupResult lr) throws HTTPException
lookup a resource in the editor space. If we have started an editor for the resource, relocate to it, otherwise create a new ediutor, install it, and return it.

state - The current lookup state.
Throws: HTTPException
If something wen't wrong, or if a relocation is needed.
lookup in class HTTPResource
 o get
 public Reply get(Request request) throws HTTPException
If a get is performed directly on this resource, edit the root.

request - The request to handle.
get in class HTTPResource
 o initialize
 public void initialize(Object values[])
initialize this resource editor.

values - The default attribute values.
initialize in class AttributeHolder

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