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Class w3c.jigsaw.formedit.ContainerResourceEditor


public class ContainerResourceEditor
extends FilteredResourceEditor

Constructor Index

 o ContainerResourceEditor()

Method Index

 o defineCards()
Define all the cards to edit a filtered resource:
 o defineDirectoryAddCard()
Defines the card to add brand new resources.
 o defineDirectoryListCard()
Current list of resources for the directorty.
 o getTargetDirectory()


 o ContainerResourceEditor
 public ContainerResourceEditor()


 o getTargetDirectory
 public ContainerResource getTargetDirectory()
 o defineDirectoryAddCard
 protected void defineDirectoryAddCard()
Defines the card to add brand new resources. This card allows to add new resources to a directory. If the directory isn't extensible, than this is the only way to add new resources. Otherwise, you can also use the laziness of the direrctory resource to create file resource on demand.

 o defineDirectoryListCard
 protected void defineDirectoryListCard()
Current list of resources for the directorty. This card will list the available children resources, and provide commands to update or delete them.

 o defineCards
 protected void defineCards()
Define all the cards to edit a filtered resource:

defineCards in class FilteredResourceEditor

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