Hosted by the
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
On this page:
Sessions will start with a 30 minute talk from a lead speaker, followed by a panel of 15 minute speakers. The panel speakers are currently listed alphabetically. The final order may be different.
There will be a cocktail reception on the evening of the 26 October.
| 26 October |
0915 |
Vice Chancellor for Research, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Director, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT- UPM) |
0935 |
Kimmo Rossi
European Commission - DG INFSO E1
EC language programs and hopes for the future
0955 | Keynote
Reinhard Schäler LRC, University of Limerick The Multilingual Web, Policy Making and Access to Digital Knowledge for All |
1045 |
Break |
1115 |
Richard Ishida
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
The Multilingual Web: Latest developments at the W3C/IETF |
1145 |
Axel Hecht Mozilla
Localizing the web from the Mozilla perspective
Charles McCathieNevile Opera
The Web everywhere, multilingualism at Opera
Jan Nelson, Peter Constable
Bridging languages, cultures, and technology
1230 |
Q&A |
1300 |
Lunch |
1400 |
Roberto Belo Rovella, David Vella
BBC World Service
Challenges for a multilingual news provider: pursuing best practices and standards for BBC World Service |
1430 |
Paolo Baggia
Multilingual Aspects in Speech and Multimodal Interfaces
Luis Bellido
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Experiences in creating multilingual web sites
Pedro L. Díez Orzas, Giuseppe Deriard, Pablo Badía Mas
Key Aspects of Multilingual Web Content Life Cycles: Present and Future
Max Froumentin
World Wide Web Foundation
The Remaining Five Billion: Why is Most of The World's Population Not Online and What Mobile Phones Can Do About It |
1530 |
Q&A |
1600 |
Break |
1630 |
Christian Lieske
Best Practices and Standards for Improving Globalization-related Processes |
1700 |
Josef van Genabith
Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL)
Next Generation Localisation
Daniel Grasmick
Lucy Software
Applying Standards - Benefits and Drawbacks
Marko Grobelnik
Institut Jozef Stefan
Cross-lingual document similarity for Wikipedia languages |
1745 |
Q&A |
1815 |
End |
1830 |
Cocktail reception
Sala de Profesores C-101, Edificio C |
27 October |
0930 |
Felix Sasaki
Language resources, language technologies, text mining, the Semantic Web: How interoperability of machines can help humans in the multilingual web
1000 |
Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani
Language Resources: a pillar of Language Technology
Thierry Declerck
lemon: An Ontology-Lexicon model for the Multilingual Semantic Web
José Carlos González
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid / DAEDALUS
Turning multilingual resources into applications: a market perspective
1100 |
Break |
1130 |
Erhard Hinrichs
Tubingen University
Multilingual Web Services
Jörg Schutz
bioloom group
Semantic Technologies in Multilingual Business Intelligence
Piek Vossen
VU University Amsterdam
KYOTO: a platform for anchoring textual meaning across languages
1215 |
Q&A |
1300 |
Lunch |
1400 |
Ghassan Haddad
Facebook Translation Technology and the Social Web
1430 |
Denis Gikunda
Google's community Translation in Sub Saharan Africa
Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo, Loïc Martínez Normand
Sidar Foundation
Localization and web accessibility
Swaran Lata
Department of Information Technology, Government of India
Challenges for Multilingual Web in India : Technology development and Standardization perspective
1515 |
Q&A |
1600 |
Break |
1630 |
Mark Davis
Google / Unicode Consortium
Software for the world: Latest developments in Unicode and CLDR (videocast)
1650 |
Discussion |
1720 |
Wrap up and close |
1730 |
End |
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