ISSUE-122: Need of ITS version information at standff (provenance or loc quality issue)

Need of ITS version information at standff (provenance or loc quality issue)

MLW-LT Standard Draft
Raised by:
Felix Sasaki
Opened on:
There is a discrepancy between the spec
["5.1 Indicating the Version of ITS

The version of the ITS schema defined in this specification is "2.0".
The version is indicated by the ITS version attribute. This attribute is
mandatory for the rules element, where it MUST be in no namespace.

If there is no rules element in an XML document, a prefixed ITS version
attribute (e.g. its:version) MUST be provided on the element where the
ITS markup is used, or on one of its ancestors. There MUST NOT be two
different versions of ITS in the same document.

External, linked rules can have different versions than internal rules."]

and the example files in the spec or the testsuite. These have version information in the standoff files, see e.g.

This needs to be brought in sync.
Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. [Minutes and meeting time] MLW-LT call 2013-03-27 (from on 2013-03-27)
  2. Re: [Agenda] MLW-LT call 27 March, 1 p.m. UTC (from on 2013-03-27)
  3. [Agenda] MLW-LT call 27 March, 1 p.m. UTC (from on 2013-03-27)
  4. mlw-lt-track-ISSUE-122: Need of ITS version information at standff (provenance or loc quality issue) [MLW-LT Standard Draft] (from on 2013-03-21)

Related notes:

[fsasaki]: DECISION-DETAILS: the version attribute has been defined as possible in the standoff definitions, see sec. "5.1 Indicating the Version of ITS" for details

8 Apr 2013, 09:55:31

[fsasaki]: RESOLUTION: accepted

8 Apr 2013, 09:55:47

[fsasaki]: CHANGE-TYPE: editorial

8 Apr 2013, 09:55:55

[fsasaki]: COMMENTER-RESPONSE: satisfied, see

8 Apr 2013, 09:56:30

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