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From ITS
Rules for Office Open XML 1.0 (OOXML)
This page provides an example of default rules ITS for Office Open XML v1.0.
Note: OOXML is defined in such a way (e.g. it allows overlapping formatting spans) that extracting a document using solely ITS rules will often not result in an output that can be worked on easily. OOXML processing often requires dedicated handling.
Only text which should be displayed is marked for translation. E.g. text marked as deleted in revision tracking is not marked for translation.
<its:rules version="1.0" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" xmlns:w="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main" > <its:translateRule translate="no" selector="//*"/> <its:translateRule translate="yes" selector="//w:t" /> <its:withinTextRule withinText="yes" selector="//w:t[ancestor::w:p]"/> <its:rubyRule selector="//w:rubyBase" rubyPointer=".." rtPointer="../w:rt"/> </its:rules>