W3C International Internationalization / Localization

home i18n overview


22-25 March, 1999
14th International Unicode Conference, Boston, USA
1-3 October 1998
INFOethics '98. Monaco. UNESCO's 2nd International Congress on Ethical, Legal and Societal Challenges of Cyberspace. The Congress in which experts in telecommunication, information, computer science, social sciences and philosophy will be participating, will cover the areas of public domain and multilingualism in cyberspace, privacy, confidentiality and security in cyberspace as well as societies and globalization.

History (in reverse order)

8-11 September 1998
13th International Unicode Conference, San Jose (Ca): Going Global with Unicode
8-10 April 1998
12th International Unicode Conference, Tokyo (Japan): Asia, Software + the Internet: Going Global with Unicode
14-18 April 1998
7th International World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Organized by the WWW7 Consortium
18 April 1998
I18N track at WWW7/D-Day.
3-5 September 1997
11th International Unicode Conference, San Jose, (California, USA): Going global with Unicode.
7-11 April 1997
6th International World Wide Web Conference: Accessibility - everyone everything connected . Santa-Clara (California, USA).
24-26 March 1997
1997 AAAI Spring Symposium: Natural Language Processing for the World Wide Web. Submission deadline 25 Oct 1996.
10-12 March 1997
10th International UNICODE Conference: Europe, Software + the Internet: Going Global with Unicode. Mainz (Germany). My slides
18-22 Nov 1996
Web Internationalization & Multilinguism Symposium, Sevilla, Spain. Organized by Tomas Carrasco Benitez and W3C. A two-day workshop for W3C members and other interested parties. Reports and slides.
11-12 Nov 1996
CEN/TC304 - Character Set Technology Workshop, Bled, Slovenia Providing multilingual support in middleware: Implementing the Universal Character Set ISO 10646 in the European Information Society.
4-6 Sep 1996
Ninth International Unicode Conference and Global Computing Showcase; San Jose, California: `Software Development + the Internet: Going Global with Unicode' Latest info.
10 May 1996
Developer's Day session on i18n, WWW Conference, Paris.
10 May 1996
Developer's Day session on graphics & fonts, WWW Conference, Paris.
7, 8 or 9 May 1996
BOF on font downloading, WWW Conference, Paris.
6 May 1996

W3C Bert Bos, i18n coordinator
Last updated $Date: 2007/11/14 17:30:40 $