WWW w3c Mail

WWW Mailing lists Maintained outside the W3C

This is a list of other important mailing lists about WWW. Please don't subscribe to these be sending to our server. Check individual subscription instructions.
This list if the forum for all aspects of security in the World-Wide Web. This site also maintains an archive of the list and and index to other security related information.
About WWW and Virtual Reality
A list for WWW server administrators
A list for discussions about payment, cost etc. using the WWW
A list for optimization, fast servers, HTTP, benchmarks etc. The list is archived.
Mailing list of the HTTP working group. Send subscription requests to http-wg-request@cuckoo.hpl.hp.com with the following body information:
	subscribe http-wg <your full name>
See also the mailing list archives
Mailing list of the HTML working group. Send subscription requests to html-wg-request@oclc.org. See also the Mail Archive
Secure NCSA httpd is a World-Wide Web (WWW) server supporting transaction privacy and authentication for Secure WWW clients over the Internet using the Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP).
For the purpose of discussing features and bugs contained in this new browser, as well as the new tags Netscape implements. In order to subscribe send a mail message to listserv@irlearn.ucd.ie with no subject and the following one line message:
	subscribe netscape YOUR_FIRST_NAME YOUR_LAST_NAME
for indepth technical discussions of the possibility of modifying the WWW protocols to support Unicode. It is going along the same lines as some of the Unicode discussions on WWW-Talk, just a more focused group with no other WWW issues. If interested in joining this mailing list, send email to WWW-Request@Unicode.Org with a subject line of SUBSCRIBE, and a message body of "subscribe www@unicode.org ", i.e.:
        To: WWW-Request@Unicode.Org
        Subject: SUBSCRIBE

        subscribe www@unicode.org 

webmaster@w3.org Last updated March 13, 1995