Goals of W3
The W3 project's goal is to provide
the High Energy Physics (HEP) community
with a collaboartive information
system independent of hardware and
software platform, and physcial location.
The project spans technical design
notes, documentation, news, discussion,
educational material, personal notes,
publicity, bulletin boards, live
status information and physics data
as a uniform continuum, seamlessly
intergated with similar information
in other disciplines.
The information is presented to the
user as a web of interlinked documents
Acces to information through W3 is:
- via a hypertext model;
- network based, world wide;
- information format independent;
- highly platform/operating system
- scalable from local notes to distributed
data bases.
Webs can be independent, subsets
or supersets of each other. They
can be local, regional or worldwide.
The documents available on a web
may reside on any computer supported
by that web.