Glossary of terms -- Conditions of distribution of CERN WWW software
- Originally named after its
1953 founding body, the "Conseil
Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire",
the institute is now named "European
Laboratory for Particle Physics".
- document:
- A piece of information
that has an identifier: the unit
of retrieval. Its contents may be
held in a file or it may be synthesised
(e.g. the
result of a data-base query).
- hypertext:
- Text which contains links
to other texts, whereby the following
of links (navigation) is aided by
- Internet :
- The set of networks running
the DARPA Internet Protocol (IP)
suite (and other protocols) which
are interconnected with each other
and for example the US NSFNET.
- Member States:
- Current member states
are: Austria, Belgium, the Czech
and Slovak Republics, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switze
and the United Kingdom.
- web:
- The set of documents available
on the internet*, interlinked by
their hypertext* links
- Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center, a High-Energy Physics institute
in California