Web Animations/Meetings/Meeting 15
< Web Animations | Meetings
Time, location: 26 Apr 16:30 PDT / 27 Apr 09:30 AEST / 27 Apr 08:30 JST, Skype + Etherpad
Agenda: 1. Presentation in Hamburg 2. Renaming Timeline (back) to AnimationGroup 3. Renaming simple time to interval time 4. Grouping in animation addition stage 5. Revisit (briefly, I promise) percentages in end/duration. 6. Dmitry's feedback on the spec 1. Presentation in Hamburg Positioning a. CSS and SVG animations are pretty good. b. But ... they don't work together. And they're not scriptable in any reasonable sense of the word. c. Both the CSSWG and the SVGWG feel that this is a problem that should be addressed. There's been a few attempts in the past but it's a fundamentally hard thing to do. d. List limitations of CSS and SVG, lack of good APIs for both. Limitations in SVG: http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/F2F/Auckland_2011/Animation_improvements 2. Renaming Timeline to AnimationGroup Now that Animations only have one function, we want to encourage authors to use groups to share timing information. The idea is is both animations and groups are lightweight things you use to build up the behaviour required. Reasons for preferring WebAnimationGroup over WebTimeline 1. Makes the relationship between WebAnimations and the things that group them more obvious. 2. WebAnimationGroup sounds more lightweight. "I just want to group these things so I can share the timing, I don't want to have to make a whole new timeline!" 3. The word "timeline" is a little confusing. I think to most people, the idea of nested timelines is a bit of a paradigm shift. Normally we're used to thinking of a single timeline (e.g. think history classes etc., or even just the UI of most animation editors) Problems with WebAnimationGroup: 1. WebAnimationGroupInstance is really long. But hopefully that's not a type you actually write out often since you don't create the objects directly. 2. There was some reason we wanted people to be aware that groups had timing behaviour associated with them (hence 'timeline') but I can't remember what it was. Alternatives: WebAnimation WebAnimationDef WebTimeline WebTimelineDef WebAnimation WebAnimator WebAnimationGroup WebAnimatorGroup 3. Renaming simple time / duration to interval time / duration Currently we distinguish between simple time and animation time. This roughly parallels SMIL's simple time and active time (but "active" includes the delay time for us, so I've renamed it to animation time which is just the time when we're animating) I think interval time is probably more intuitive. Likewise interval duration. Note proposed changes to animation states: Animation states: * Inactive * Active * Chillin' like a villain Animation states: * Inactive * Animating (active) * Filling (active) 4. Grouping in animation addition stage Defer until v2 5. Revisit (briefly, I promise) percentages in end/duration. <animate intervalCount="5" duration="20%"/> <animate intervalCount="5" end="untilContainerEnd"/> Alex prefers having this over the keyword. 6. Dmitry's feedback on spec * Need more examples Brian explaining time containers... <html> <animate delay="5s"/> </html> delay: 5s after the document loads <html> <-- a type of animation group <par delay="5s"> <-- animation group <animate delay="5s"/> </par> </html> delay of the animation: 10s after the document loads