Tracker summary for Rik Cabanier

SVG Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 16 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-3052 (edit) open Collect examples for glyph positioning and compare existing to proposed SVG syntax to handle them Rik Cabanier 2011-06-23
ACTION-3073 (edit) open Define how to use <glyphRef>'s glyphRef attribute to point to an openType glyph and make sure it works with the different openType format variations. Rik Cabanier 2011-08-03
ACTION-3074 (edit) open Work with vhardy and text experts on x/y positioning and altGlyphDef and altGlyph. Rik Cabanier 2011-08-03
ACTION-3290 (edit) open Dig out thread on WHATWG on webworkers and canvas and comment on it Rik Cabanier 2012-05-15
ACTION-3424 (edit) open Look at how to attach a path or shape object to an SVG path element Rik Cabanier 2013-02-11
ACTION-3425 (edit) open Edit the SVG 2 spec to add the possibility to set the d attribute using a Path object Rik Cabanier 2013-02-11
ACTION-3426 (edit) open Add the extendPath and addPath methods to the SVG 2 Rik Cabanier 2013-02-11
ACTION-3427 (edit) open Add new procedural methods for catmull-rom Rik Cabanier 2013-02-11
ACTION-3428 (edit) open Specify the stringifier method for the Path object Rik Cabanier 2013-02-11
ACTION-3440 (edit) open Create a module to define SVG border brushes Rik Cabanier 2013-02-13
ACTION-3455 (edit) open Investgate making the canvas font metrics interface without needing a <canvas> element. Rik Cabanier 2013-02-14
ACTION-3498 (edit) open note those things that create a stacking context in the spec Rik Cabanier 2013-06-10
ACTION-3529 (edit) open Query adobe for concerns relating to non-scaling-stroke/markers in patterns and mail the list Rik Cabanier 2013-09-26
ACTION-3620 (edit) open Action rik to provide more css examples in the compositing spec. Rik Cabanier 2014-04-17
ACTION-3621 (edit) open Change the abstract link to svg 1.1 in compositing. Rik Cabanier 2014-04-17
ACTION-3658 (edit) open Review z-index addition to svg 2 Rik Cabanier 2014-09-02

Open Issues

There is 1 open issue listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-2424 (edit) RAISED Spot/Named colors in compositing 2011-08-01 Module: Compositing 0

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