ISSUE-2289: Consider adding a way of specifying flip-invariant text
Consider adding a way of specifying flip-invariant text
- State:
- Product:
- SVG 2
- Raised by:
- Erik Dahlström
- Opened on:
- 2009-07-07
- Description:
- From :
> I got stumped looking for a way to specify flip-invariant text. This
> appears to be an oversight in the SVG definition. If I define a symbol
> or other re-usable object containing text, and then use that object
> with the transform "scale=(-1,1)", then the text will render backwards.
> There should be a way to declare text to always read in the declared
> orientation (e.g., left-to-right). The correct way to do this is to
> compute the bounding box of the text based on the text scale, rotation,
> justification, etc., using the innermost transformation matrix, then
> flip and rotate the text within that bounding box such that it is
> rendered left-to-right and has an angle of -90 to 90 degrees. - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Re: SVG text flip-invariance (from on 2009-07-07)
- ISSUE-2289 (flip_invariant_text): Consider adding a way of specifying flip-invariant text [SVG Core 2.0] (from on 2009-07-07)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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