ISSUE-2282: Consider adding new path syntax for points on path
path points
Consider adding new path syntax for points on path
- State:
- Product:
- SVG 2
- Raised by:
- Doug Schepers
- Opened on:
- 2009-06-17
- Description:
- Currently, the <path> element does not have any syntax which creates an interpolated line between points that lie on the stroke of the path. This would be useful for e.g. splines that connect data points. This might require the creation of a new basic element.
- Related Actions Items:
ACTION-2584 on Chris Lilley to Mail patrick ion about smooth curves with points on path and CC the svg-wg list - due 2009-06-08, closed- Related emails:
- Minutes, 01 July 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-07-01)
- Minutes, 01 July 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-07-01)
- Agenda, July 1 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-06-30)
- Agenda, July 1 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-06-30)
- Re: Agenda, June 24 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-06-23)
- Agenda, June 24 2009 SVG WG telcon (from on 2009-06-23)
- Fwd: Re: Smooth curves passing through/near a set of points. [ISSUE-2282] (from on 2009-06-19)
- Re: Smooth curves passing through/near a set of points. [ISSUE-2282] (from on 2009-06-17)
- ISSUE-2282 (path points): Consider adding new path syntax for points on path [SVG Core 2.0] (from on 2009-06-17)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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