ISSUE-2069: Consider treating audio separately to graphics
Consider treating audio separately to graphics
- State:
- Product:
- SVG 2
- Raised by:
- Anthony Grasso
- Opened on:
- 2008-09-24
- Description:
- This relates to the effect 'visibility' has on audio.
A change was made to SVG Tiny 1.2 (ACTION-2207) in relation to the email sent by Niklas [1] regarding the test media-audio-212-t.svg.
We should consider treating audio separately to graphical elements for future versions of SVG. I've thought of three possibilities to approach this issue.
1) Introduce an audibility property
value: audible | silent | inherit
initial: audible
applies to: media elements
'audible' - The current graphics or media element shall be audible.
'silent' - The current graphics or media element shall be inaudible regardless of the value of 'audio-level'.
2) Introduce an audibility property similar to (1) but replaces the 'audio-level' property as well
value: <number> | silent | inherit
initial: 1.0
applies to: media elements
3) Introduce a playability property that replaces the visibility property
value: visible-audible | visible-silent | hidden-audible | hidden-silent | inherit
initial: all
applies to: graphics and media elements
'visible-audible' - The current graphics or media element shall be visible and audible.
'visible-silent' - The current graphics or media element shall be visible only. If media or graphic contains audio, the audio component must be audible.
'hidden-audible' - The current graphics or media element shall be inivisble only. If the media or graphic contains audio, the audio component must be audible.
'hiddent-silent' - The current graphics or media element shall be both inivisble and inaudible.
[1] - Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Minutes, 20 April SVG telcon (from on 2012-04-20)
- ISSUE-2069 (audibility): Consider treating audio separately to graphics [SVG Core 2.0] (from on 2008-09-24)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
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