This is the first of a set of three tests that verify the capability to handle links into SVG content, using each of the three fragment identifier forms permissible in SVG.
There is a colored arrow comprising the content of an 'a' element. The link destination is in an auxiliary file, linkingCircle-f.svg, and is expressed by "xlink:href=linkingCircle-f.svg#fragmentValue". The initial view of this test contains one yellow arrow plus labelling text.
The (yellow) arrow uses the XPointer-compatible form, "linkingCircle-f#xpointer(id(circle-2))", to target the circle with id "circle-2" in the external file. Upon clicking this arrow, the full image of the linkingCircle-f.svg file should replace the initial view of this test case in the viewer frame (same as the test linking-a-01-b did).
The reference image illustrates the correct image after the link is activated (full view of linkingCircle-f.svg).