International World Wide Web Conferences ("WWW2000X")

The International World Wide Web Conferences constitute a series of conferences, usually taking place in May of every year. The location varies year to year, covering Asia, Europe, or North America. The conference is a mixture of academic and industrial content. Beyond the core conference there are also tutorials, workshops, and a separate Developers' Day. The event usually spreads over 5 days.

W3C generally participates in this conference through a separate "W3C Track", which is an important public forum where W3C technologies are presented. This track is one of the parallel tracks of the core conference.

Although W3C is a partner of these conferences, it does not organize them. A separate organization, called the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2), is responsible for the series, with a different conference organizer every year. All comments, questions, remarks concerning the conferences should be directed to IW3C2 rather than to W3C.

Further links:

Ivan Herman, W3C representative at IW3C2
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