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The WS-I Basic Profile has the following requirement: R2712 A document-literal binding MUST be serialized as an ENVELOPE with a soap:Body whose child element is an instance of the global element declaration referenced by the corresponding wsdl:message part. In short, this means that when the WSDL contains elements such as: <wsdl:part name="Body" type="tns:AnyXmlType"/> when document-literal binding is used, which we do use, this is in violation of the BP. The "type='...'" needs to be element='...' where '...' is replaced by some GED (global element declaration). WS-Transfer does this on the GetRequest, GetResponse, PutRequest, PutResponse, DeleteResponse and CreateRequest messages. Proposal: Replace the use of 'type's with a well defined GED (wrapper) that has the 'type' as a child. For example: <wsdl:message name="OptionalXmlMessage"> <wsdl:part name="Body" type="tns:AnyXmlOptionalType"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="AnyXmlMessage"> <wsdl:part name="Body" type="tns:AnyXmlType"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:operation name="Get"> <wsdl:input message="tns:OptionalXmlMessage" wsa:Action=""/> <wsdl:output message="tns:AnyXmlMessage" wsa:Action="" /> </wsdl:operation> gets replaced with: <xs:element name='Get'> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:any minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='1' processContents='skip' namespace='##other' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name='GetResponse'> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:any minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1' processContents='skip' namespace='##other' /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <wsdl:message name="GetRequestMessage"> <wsdl:part name="Body" element="tns:Get"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="GetResponseMessage"> <wsdl:part name="Body" element="tns:GetResponse"/> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:operation name="Get"> <wsdl:input message="tns:GetRequestMessage" wsa:Action=""/> <wsdl:output message="tns:GetResponseMessage" wsa:Action="" /> </wsdl:operation> So the resulting XML on the wire would look like: Request Body: <env:Body> <wst:Get> ... </wst:Get> </env:Body> Response Body: <env:Body> <wst:GetResponse> ... </wst:GetResponse> </env:Body> The pseudo schema for each would be: GetRequest: <wst:Get> xs:any ? </wst:Get> GetResponse: <wst:GetResponse> xs:any </wst:GetResponse> PutRequest: <wst:PutRequest> xs:any </wst:PutRequest> PutResponse: <wst:PutResponse> xs:any ? </wst:PutResponse> DeleteResponse: <wst:DeleteResponse> xs:any ? </wst:DeleteResponse> CreateRequest: <wst:CreateRequest> xs:any </wst:CreateRequest>
proposal from All, below is a modified version of the proposal, showing the pseudo schema changes to T and RT (some of the cardinalities will vary slightly from previous proposal and from the specs in an effort to ensure things are consistent and allow for RT to do its job) - I tried to make a note of each one as I detected it (hopefully the following shows up ok for everyone - if not let me know and I'll put it into a separate file): T-GetRequest: RT-GetRequest: <wst:Get ... > <wst:Get Dialect="xs:anyURI" ...> xs:any * <wsrt:Expression ...> xs:any </wsrt:Expression> * </wst:Get> </wst:Get> Note: to allow for more than one Expression, I had to change the 'xs:any ?' to a "xs:any *" on the xs:any of the T.Get(), and for full extensibility (an attribute on Get could make the need for children unnecessary). T-GetResponse: RT-GetResponse: <wst:GetResponse ...> <wst:GetResponse ...> xs:any + <wsrt:Result...>xs:any</wsrt:Result> + </wst:GetResponse> </wst:GetResponce> Note: We should consider changing the "xs:any +" to "xs:any *" since the resource representation could technically be empty and we should allow for that (<wsrt:Result>+ too), and for full extensibility (an attribute on GetResponse could make the need for children unnecessary). T-PutRequest: RT-PutRequest: <wst:Put ...> <wst:Put Dialect="xs:anyURI" ...> xs:any + <wsrt:Fragment ...> + </wst:Put> <wst:Put> Note: We should change "xs:any +" to "xs:any *" to allow for an empty represenation to be 'put', and for full extensibility (an attribute on Put could make the need for children unnecessary). T-PutResponse: RT-PutResponse: <wst:PutResponse ...> <wst:PutResponse ...> xs:any ? xs:any ? </wst:PutResponse> </wst:PutResponse> Note: We should change the "xs:any ?" to "xs:any *" to allow for full extensbility. T-DeleteRequest: RT-DeleteRequest: <wst:Delete ...> <wst:Delete ...> xs:any * xs:any * </wst:Delete> </wst:Delete> Note: I added the "xs:any *" extensibility point in here. T-DeleteResponse: RT-DeleteResponse: <wst:DeleteResponse ...> <wst:DeleteResponse> xs:any ? xs:any ? </wst:DeleteResponse> </wst:DeleteResponse> Note: We should change the "xs:any ?" to "xs:any *" to allow for full extensbility. T-CreateRequest: RT-CreateRequest: <wst:Create ...> <wst:Create Dialect="xs:anyURI" ...> xs:any * <wsmex:Metadata ...> ? <wsrt:Fragment ...> * </wst:CreateRequest> </wst:CreateRequest> Note: I changed the "xs:any +" to "xs:any *" for three reasons: 1) it seems like it should be possible to allow the entire resource to have default values, 2) per the RT spec the mex and fragment elements are optional, 3) to allow for full extensibility (an attribute on the Create could make up for the absence of child elements). T-CreateResponse: RT-CreateResponse: <wst:CreateResponse ...> <wst:CreateResponse ...> <wst:ResourceCreated> <wst:ResourceCreated> xs:any ? xs:any ? </wst:CreateResponse> </wst:CreateResponse> Note: We should change the "xs:any ?" to "xs:any *" to allow for full extensbility. We should discuss the "xs:any ?" -> "xs:any *" notes I made - if there isn't any objection we can include it as part of this. thanks -Doug ______________________________________________________ STSM | Web Services Architect | IBM Software Group (919) 254-6905 | IBM T/L 444-6905 | Geoff Bullen <> Sent by: 01/16/2009 12:09 PM To Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS cc "" <> Subject RE: issue 6398: updated proposal Doug, A couple of things: 1) I believe the ?xs:any? defined in GetResponse, PutRequest, CreateRequest should actually be ?xs:any +? defining one or more. 2) I am wondering if, for the sake of consistency and extensibility, we should also be looking at the GetMetadata Request and Response messages in MEX and adding a similar outer wrappers and extensibility concepts? Thoughts? --Geoff From: [] On Behalf Of Doug Davis Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:36 AM To: Subject: issue 6398: updated proposal per my AI from yesterday, the updated pseudo schema for the wrapped WS-Transfer operations would be: GetRequest: <wst:Get ... > xs:any ? </wst:Get> GetResponse: <wst:GetResponse ...> xs:any </wst:GetResponse> PutRequest: <wst:PutRequest ...> xs:any </wst:PutRequest> PutResponse: <wst:PutResponse ...> xs:any ? </wst:PutResponse> DeleteResponse: <wst:DeleteResponse ...> xs:any ? </wst:DeleteResponse> CreateRequest: <wst:CreateRequest ...> xs:any </wst:CreateRequest> CreateResponse: <wst:CreateResponse ...> <wxf:ResourceCreated>endpoint-reference</wxf:ResourceCreated> xs:any ? </wst:CreateResponse> In looking at how this impacts RT... it shouldn't. RT overrides T's Body (in some cases already using a wrapper similar to the above) so that can continue as is. The only thing missing from the previous proposal was the extensibilty points on the wrapper elements so that attributes could be added - but that was a typo :-) . Existing RT can continue to override the the above messages with a well defined element - this, along with the RT header allows the receiver to know this isn't a normal/vanilla Transfer operation. There is no impact on MEX. I couldn't find any reference to the transfer operations that needed to be changed - no samples using it either.
Pending Action-14
resolved on 2009-02-24 with proposal contained in comment #1