This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
Under the preambule of 19, the third paragraph before 19.1, we use the following text: "The values of these properties for a top-level construct such as the body of a template rule determine whether the construct is streamable." But in the text prior to this paragraph, there is no mention of a property that deems a construct not streamable. Looking further down at 19.7, The Sweep of a Construct, we neither find this, which originally left me confused. There is probably a reason for this, i.e. a construct itself can be free-ranging, but applied to a grounded construct, it is still streamable, as in doc('x')/y/preceding::node(). I think it is worthwhile to say precisely what is required to make an instruction that introduced streamability (xsl:stream, xsl:mode, xsl:merge) guaranteed streamable. This information is already available by going to these instructions (if you add templates to the list), but I think a summary under Guaranteed Streamability, or right under section 19 would proof worthwhile.
We discussed this in Prague and concluded that it is editorial. Section 6.6.1 does define streamability of modes, by reference to the rules for streamability of templates. Is the usage of 'streamable' and 'guaranteed streamable' in 6.6 consistent with their usage elsewhere? Editorial.
The preamble of section 19 is now linked to the various places that determine streamability of different constructs. This was done under bug #24493. Section 6.6 appears to be OK. No further changes made; marking as duplicate of 24493. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 24493 ***