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Bug 22798 - [Shadow]: Need to rewrite the focus navigation section.
Summary: [Shadow]: Need to rewrite the focus navigation section.
Alias: None
Product: WebAppsWG
Classification: Unclassified
Component: HISTORICAL - Component Model (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: PC All
: P2 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Hayato Ito
QA Contact: public-webapps-bugzilla
Depends on:
Blocks: 22716
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Reported: 2013-07-25 07:06 UTC by Hayato Ito
Modified: 2013-07-25 08:26 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Hayato Ito 2013-07-25 07:06:59 UTC
The current definition of focus navigation is incomplete.

We have to rewrite that as follows (my rough idea):

- Don't use 'as-rendered' tree. It's gone.
- We cannot use a composed tree here, which does not have a scope.
- Use a 'tree of trees' to define a scope of focus navigation and it's sequential order.
- To skip a node which does not participate in the composed tree, introduce a concept of 'inert'.
Comment 1 Hayato Ito 2013-07-25 08:26:17 UTC
Now the case of multiple shadow roots are clearly defined.