This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details. Comment ID: 14
I think you are referring either to xsl:analyze-string in XSLT, or to character maps, also in XSLT. "Markup" is a serialization concept rather than a data model concept. We have taken the view that all facilities for constructing new nodes belong in the XSLT and XQuery languages rather than in the function library. This is because in most cases they require custom syntax, as they are too complex to express using function calls alone. Michael Kay (personal response).
(consensus of i18n-core-wg, telecon 25 may 2005): We agree that "Markup" is a serialization concept and that facilities for constructing new nodes belong in the XSLT and XQuery languages rather than in the function library. In your reply to the original comment you mentioned character maps and analyze-string from XSLT. It seems that you could achive our goals, i.e avoiding the private use area, by s.t. like <xsl:template match="text()"> <xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="\x{E001}"> <xsl:matching-substring> <myChar type="E001"/> </xsl:matching-substring> </xsl:template> </xsl:analyze-string> Input: <p>blabli</p> Output: <p>bla<myChar type="E001"/>bli</p> Is this true? Is there a similar facility in XQuery? It would be great to have this example as an example in the XSLT 2.0 spec, of course marked as example (with <div class="example">...). As you mentione elsewhere, examples do not belong to the normative part of a spec, but - especially in the case of XSLT 2.0 - they make it easier to adopt a standard within wider communities.
The regular expression should be written regex="", and I think you would want an <xsl:non-matching-substring> element to copy other characters across unchanged; but apart from those details the example is OK. I'm not sure that including this example in the XSLT spec would add much value; it's basically a simplified version of one of the other examples that's already there, except for the use of a regex that matches PUA characters. I'll take guidance from my colleagues on this. In XQuery I think this particular example is achieved most easily without using regular expressions at all, rather using a recursive function such as declare function expandPUAChar($string as xs:string, $char as xs:string) as item()* { if (contains($string, $char)) then (substring-before($string, $char), <myChar code="{string-to-codepoints($char)}", expandPUAChar(substring-after($string, $char), $char)) else $string } Michael Kay
Extract from XSL WG minutes of 9 June 2005: Anders - only works for element content and not for attributes. Sharon - Do they want us to put this example in XQuery or F&O ? Anders - addtional comment #2 - want to do this instead of using private use area. M. Kay - valid example, but why? Adding to the XSLT spec doesn't add much value (see comment #3). Sharon - why is this pushed back to us? comment #3 seems like the right answer. Norm - works for him. M. Kay - example is slightly wrong but ok in spirit. Action: Sharon will send Michael's comment #3 to XQuery WG - still pending as of 4:57 on Friday 19 [should read 9] June 2005
The XML Query WG has discussed this comment and the dialog recorded herein. After a bit of explanation that helped members of the WG to understand the meaning of the comment, the WG concluded that the situation is both sufficiently uncommon and sufficiently similar to existing examples that no changes to the specifications are required or desirable, not even the addition of an example. Therefore, the WG has determined to resolve this comment with no change to the specifications. We appreciate your feedback on the XML Query specifications. Please let us know if this response is satisfactory. If not, please respond to this message, explaining your concerns. If you find the response satisfactory, please mark the comment CLOSED. Jim Melton On behalf of the XML Query Working Group