ISSUE-102: Use descriptinve names for the intra and inter operations
rename intra and inter
Use descriptinve names for the intra and inter operations
- State:
- Product:
- TTML 1.0 (Editorial)
- Raised by:
- Sean Hayes
- Opened on:
- 2009-05-15
- Description:
- Also I propose that ‘inter’ and ‘intra’ are unnecessarily obtuse labels for the flowInterval and not even really complete words. I propose we replace by, a) ‘interval’ if we adopt a single interval as suggested in issue 98, or b) ‘fill’ and ‘clear’ if the semantics of a separate clear timing can be resolved.
inter means across boundaries, and this would sweem to apply equally to fill and clear, intra would appear to apply to the reflow operation, but this has no separate timing interval now.
- Related Actions Items:
- No related actions
- Related emails:
- Agenda for meeting 22-05-09 (from on 2009-05-22)
- ISSUE-102 (rename intra and inter): Use descriptinve names for the intra and inter operations [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)] (from on 2009-05-15)
Related notes:
resolved in TTAF1-DFXP WD Editor's Copy Update - 20090529
Glenn Adams, 29 May 2009, 04:34:28Display change log