ACTION-372: Review requirements conformance in Annex L of TTML2
Review requirements conformance in Annex L of TTML2
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Nigel Megitt
- Due on:
- February 17, 2015
- Created on:
- February 10, 2015
- Associated Product:
- Related emails:
- Closed: [ttml2] Implement Requirements conformance changes described in Action-372 (from on 2017-05-16)
- {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2016-12-22 (from on 2016-12-20)
- {minutes} TTWG Meeting 2015-06-11 (from on 2015-06-11)
- {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2015-06-11 (from on 2015-06-10)
- {minutes} TTWG Meeting 2015-02-12 (from on 2015-02-12)
- ISSUE-370 (Implement Action-372 edits): Implement Requirements conformance changes described in Action-372 [TTML2] (from on 2015-02-12)
- {agenda} TTWG Meeting 2015-02-12 (from on 2015-02-11)
- ACTION-372: Review requirements conformance in Annex L of TTML2 (from on 2015-02-10)
Related notes:
We should re-assess TTML2 against the requirements doc for Annex L
Requirements; I expect that it will change, for example the following are
surely closer to being an 'S' now:
- R207 Conditional Content,
- R216 Hyperlinking,
- R217 Embedded Graphics,
- R218 Non-Embedded Graphics,
- R219 Embedded Fonts,
- R220 Non-Embedded Fonts,
- R222 Embedded Audio,
- R223 Non-Embedded Audio,
- R292 Extrinsic Resource References,
- R301 Inline Styling Form, <— arguably this could be achieved by XSLT
processing, not sure if that's enough
- R302 Out-of-Line Styling, <— number is wrong in the table
- R303 Out-of-Line Styling Form, <— number is wrong in the table,
arguably this could be achieved by XSLT processing, not sure if that's
- R306 Style Parameters - Visual, <— query baseline
alignment/dominance/shift, break before, color profile name, float,
indent, intrusion-displace, relative position, space
before/after/start/end, text altitude/depth/indent,
- R505 Animated Style Parameters - Visual, <— Not clear if 'scroll' can
be seen as being met
- R601 Metadata Item Constituents <— Not clear how value type is
expressed though
- R602 Metadata Item Value Representation
note that the R301 numbering issue is raised as Issue-369.
Display change log.