Meeting minutes
Short meeting today to celebrate, and discuss next steps
There were a few last minute changes to the security considerations section - thanks to those who approved via email
(Opened the day before the final review by AG WG, so it was a bit of a last-minute effort. There were concerns by the WAI staff, so wording was changed. Now all approved.)
Call for consensus to WCAG2ICT TF went out, all approved, so it went to AG WG.
Now AG WG have put out the CfC (call for consensus) to publish WCAG2ICT as a final group note.
That will end Friday 27th September (barring any -1 responses), then will be published at some stage in October.
Worst case - 2nd week in Oct to publish
Daniel still has a couple of code changes to clean up the document
Only seen positive responses to the AG WG CfC so far.
2 years ago, work began. 1st to convert document to markdown
Cleared 203 issues
1268 commits
298 pull requests
14 wiki pages
Lots of work that has gone into it.
Thanks to all on the TF for all the hard work.
Next steps/work for the WCAG2ICT TF
<maryjom0> https://
We've done the first round - WCAG 2.2 AA.
Looking at the timeline - we have completed phase 1
Next phase of updates mentioned other work including level AAA
We have also talked about other potential work that the TF could do - e.g. an explainer on the use of WCAG2ICT, answer common questions for policy makers or give input to reduce the chance of incorrect assumptions, ...
Are you able to continue with participating in this next phase, or do you need to step away?
PhilDay: Happy to continue, but not in October
<ChrisLoiselle> I also contribute to AGWG, AG's subgroups as well as ACT task force, happy to carry on, but may step away from editor to allow for ability to contribute to other AG work as well.
mitch11: For now, happy to continue, but anticipate that it might be difficult to justify as much time for AAA work.
ShawnT: New management, new work in Canada, but would be helpful to see relationship between EN standards and WCAG2ICT note clarified.
maryjom0: Good to hear that there is interest in continuing the work. Need to scope the involvement.
… Next phase may need to be slower, and will then need to prioritise what to work on first.
Brief explainer saying what WCAG2ICT is, and is not. maryjom0 thinks that this will be helpful to differentiate between WCAG2ICT and other standards.
<loicmn> I can continue to contribute to WAG2ICT with the same "limited availability" as the last year.
Daniel: Explainer would be useful. Where would it go?
WAI/explainers and guidelines, or somewhere else?
maryjom0: Maybe within the publications space for our Task Force - but will need to think about the best place to put it. Or add an errata to the note to then also link to the explainer.
Daniel: republish the note is possible.
Daniel: Not sure exactly where it will be put right now.
<ShawnT> TPAC next week
maryjom0: Propose that we take the month off. We don't need to meet unless there are any incoming issues. Suggest we stop for the month of October unless urgent issues are received.
<LauraMiller> Yes.
<PhilDay> +1 to not meeting in Oct
<mitch11> +1
<LauraMiller> +1
<Devanshu> +1
<ShawnT> +1
<olivia> +1
<ChrisLoiselle> +1
<loicmn> +1
Clarification: we would not meet next week, or the month of October
Enjoy the break from WCAG2ICT!
maryjom0: Appreciate every single one of you. We have accomplished a lot within 2 years.
… with full consensus on all that we did. Well done all!
mitch11: Interested in harmonising / reconciling with the EN standard.
<ChrisLoiselle> congrats to all, great work!
mitch11: May need to clarify role - do we have more leeway to go beyond our current role (e.g. interpreting WCAG, and applying to ICT)?
<ShawnT> Our standard on Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services - Accessibility Standards Canada https://
<loicmn> Mike Pluke, Gregg and I are involved in the EN.
maryjom0: No more leeway - but would be useful to help clarify relationship between WCAG2ICT and other standards.
<Zakim> LauraMiller, you wanted to say particular thanks to those that carried the heavy load in this when some of us were unable to contribute as much as we would have liked due to job changes.
<ShawnT> +1 to LauraMiller's statement
<ChrisLoiselle> Cheers to Mary Jo !!!!!
LauraMiller: Thanks to all those who did a lot of the heavy work while others were not available
<olivia> +1 to Laura and Phil!
PhilDay: Thanks Mary Jo for the excellent facilitation, coordination and work.
That's all for today.
Meet in November
<maryjom0> GitHub statistics on our work:
<maryjom0> • Conversion of the document
<maryjom0> • 203 issues
<maryjom0> • 1,268 commits
<maryjom0> • 298 pull requests
<maryjom0> • Maintain 14 wiki pages