WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

15 Jul 2024


Shawn, janina, Kevin, Lisa, MaryJo, George, Lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, maryjom


<Lionel_Wolberger> scribe+


updates from all

George: Almost ready to pub draft on UX; think it a big deal
... Will explain what user see; required in EU and may apply to Title II in US
... Expect end of July pub
... Avneesh expected to run for AB

janina: Asks to chat with George about some status in pubs today; how to best move forward

maryjom: WCAG2ICT out for review; number of issues though most editorial

<George> Link to the User Experience Guide for Accessibility Metadata 2.0: https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/UX-Guide-Metadata/draft/principles/?updated

shawn: Is setting up task process; will send e

Lionel_Wolberger: Progress on Well Known Destinations (WKD); working on explainers; appreciate mtg with COGA
... WKD will include path to machine readable
... Also progress on AAC
... We're looking for something similar to our AAC one page handout (which was su helpful), we're considering what we might do with WKD that would be similar

shawn: Let me know!

<Zakim> kevin, you wanted to ask whether this lines up with UX Guide for Accessibility Metadata?

kevin: Wonders about nexus between epub meta UX and APA WKD

George: We supporting doc modification for user needs; will fail with PDF

Lionel_Wolberger: Don't think a match, but there are related standards

janina: Accessible Destinations would be one example of a useful WKD

George: Pointed to Maturity Model of APA; trying to get other orgs to take it up rather than reinventing

maturity model

<Lionel_Wolberger> janina: Also challenged by how to extend the maturity model into sustainability

<Lionel_Wolberger> ... as long as these extensions do not divert the TF from its main scope of accessibility tracking

<Lionel_Wolberger> janina: Maturity Model can follow the path that CTAUR followed, we should get another wide review before progressing to its next status

formet for publications

<Lionel_Wolberger> kevin: I'd like to raise, maybe a note is not the best format for Maturity Model

shawn: Suggest we're overusing TR. Consider other presentation opportunities

<lisa> +1 to janina

<lisa> it is less credible if it is just a web page

<lisa> we got feedback from people who felt there was a big diffrence

jamesn: Better recieved as a webside than a Note

janina: ???
... Web site as in a registered domain name? What meaneth that?
... if domain.tld/doc, what's the difference from domain.tld/TR/doc

lisa: We mad mockup, and it took years and most never made it

<Lionel_Wolberger> janina: We wanted to see it, did it get finished?

lisa: Would like to see this happening in a way interactive version

shawn: Definitely need better communication

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2024/07/15 17:00:25 $

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Default Present: Shawn, janina, Kevin, Lisa, MaryJo, George, Lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, maryjom
Present: Shawn, janina, Kevin, Lisa, MaryJo, George, Lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, maryjom
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