Meeting minutes
<JJ> JJ: Illai Zeevi introducing himself (first meeting), talks about the initiative of Evinced for MCAG and the MATF - https://
<JJ> Joe: added comment on 1.3.5 input purpose: w3c/
Joe: Mixed support for autofill data in Android. Will do further testing on other devices, other keyboard types, etc. More in Github.
Another comment from Alain on 3.1.2 Language of Parts
<Joe_Humbert> great about the ticket for language of the parts from Alain
Illai: Language definition about language in mobile platforms is on the app level. Cannot change the lang code for a specific view. This is impossible technically.
<JJ> JJ: issue in Gitlab about Language of Parts: w3c/
JJ: Comment from Jamie about 1.4.4 -- WCAG2ICT use of "Closed functionality". Perhaps this definition might be useful for our work.
JJ: Comments on #11 Definition of Web pages and proposed definition of Views in WCAG 3 that might be useful.
JJ: I have created new issues in Github for the 4 SCs on today's agenda.
<JJ> WCAG issue for sets of software definition: w3c/
Joe_Humbert: Hopefully WCAG 3 work is taking some of our conversations into account
JJ: We as a Task Force can use our own definitions. We may have different definitions from WCAG2ICT, but need to find out how much latitude we have.
<JJ> Resize Text update about Closed Functionality: w3c/
JJ: WCAG2ICT has been recognized more broadly, we hope that MATF can influence some changes in future.
1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) - Level A
JJ: WCAG2ICT states that 1.2.3 applies directly as written. Some notes clarify other terms that might be used to audio descriptions. Interesting that "closed functionality" comes into play.
<JJ> julianmka: we would produce two versions of the video, one without audio description and one with
ToriClarkA11y: When I worked with video, we ran into issues between different mobile browsers and Android that didn't support additional tracks.
ToriClarkA11y: Now looking at VideoJS which seems promising.
ToriClarkA11y: Worried about closed functionailty when we cannot guarantee that functions are available.
Joe_Humbert: Do we know which video players support audio descriptions?
Joe_Humbert: Android 13+ supports audio descriptions (AD) or at least there's a toggle. iOS video player supports AD.
JJ: Android Media Player doesn't support AD but Exo Player does. Would be interesting to look at other players, especially ones that handle live streaming.
<ToriClarkA11y> we built off of this at Airbnb IIRC: https://
JJ: Add an issue to Github to discuss video player options.
ToriClarkA11y: Because of internationalization needs, we only supported level A and used enhanced descriptive transcripts.
ToriClarkA11y: Lots of people only provide a basic transcript that doesn't include visual descriptions.
JJ: We could add supporting material about how to do transcripts well.
gleidsonramos: We tried to use YouTube player for transcripts but the mobile embed doesn't include transcripts. Our alternative is to give a mobile button and opens a view with transcript.
JJ: Web view with an accessible video player could be a good solution for this, using an accessible media player. Benefits of this might outweigh the drawbacks of using a web view.
1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) - Level AA
JJ: WCAG2ICT does not include a note about closed functionality, but otherwise same interpretation.
ToriClarkA11y: In US, WCAG and ADA are not 1:1. Example, ADA may require extended AD while that would be AAA conformance.
JJ: Highlighting difference between AD and extended AD.
ToriClarkA11y: I've seen some players attempt the pause functionality to support extended AD but haven't seen them work reliably. Player support isn't there yet.
<ToriClarkA11y> just different tech approach, so I wanted to acknowledge it.
1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence - Level A
JJ: Focus should follow a specific order to understand the screen properly. Mobile platforms allow us to modify focus order.
<JJ> julianmka: We have worked with teams where we modify the focus order, but try not to and achieve it by grouping etc.
julianmka: MATF could provide supplementary documentation about mobile-specific techniques like grouping
Joe_Humbert: Similar experience as Julian. Reading/focus order on mobile blend together a bit. Using Accessibility elements on iOS can be problematic with dynamically loading content.
JJ: Same experience with accessibility element in iOS. Android lets you set traversal order.
Aashutosh: Success story: Worked on app where home screen focus order was modified.
Aashutosh: Designers should indicate the intended sequence so that developers don't have to infer it.
+1 to that, Aashutosh
<Joe_Humbert> yes +1
<Jamie> +1 to Aashutosh
JJ: Android floating action button (FAB) could be a good use case for manipulating focus order
Illai: MCAG project recommends grouping to help ensure meaningful sequence.
Creating guidance
JJ: How to handle creating guidance in Github? Each SC has an issue and a markdown file currently.
Joe_Humbert: In SC markdown docs, start with WCAG2ICT language and modify from there to create drafts.
Joe_Humbert: Perhaps draft a template for guidance -- what should each document include?
<JJ> Sorry Jamie! You are next
Mick: Agrees with Joe
<Joe_Humbert> +1 to time vote
<JJ> Jamie: start with the existing draft: https://
<Joe_Humbert> +1 for acceleration and potentially more meetings
<JJ> 2018 updated draft: https://
JJ: 2018 editor's draft is already approved on some level.
<ToriClarkA11y> +1 to Joe's recommendation
Joe_Humbert: Everyone review 2018 editor's draft and set up an issue to discuss
<Jamie> +1 to reviewing editor's draft
+1 to reviewing editor's draft
<JJ> Sorry, seems like Zoom auto-closed on us
<Joe_Humbert> I goty cut off lol
<Jamie> +1 to breaking off into smaller group meetings
Comment I intended to give: Let's create Github issues for the non-SC topics we've talked about covering like grouping, what makes a good transcript, etc.
<JJ> If you have further thoughts please share here!
<Jamie> +1 to julian
<Joe_Humbert> +1 to Julian's idea
+1 to Jamie's comment about smaller groups
<Jamie> +1 to all th things :P
<JJ> Thanks all!
<JJ> what conference is this?