13 June 2024


David Booth, Detlef Grittner, Erich Bremer, EricP, Gaurav Vaidya, Jim Balhoff
David Booth

Meeting minutes



erich: Favor option 5. Prob most favorable to DICOM community too. And suggest a mapping to option 9.

detlef: Why would we need option 5?

erich: It keeps the datatype. But 9 is nice and clean, easy to look at.

erich: I would use 9 internally, because I have 20B triples, and it saves a lot of triples by dropping the datatypes.

eric: I like 5

gaurav: this looks good. Like the null flavor. Favor 5.

jim: Does option 9 deal with comparing things, to know if they are the same value?


dbooth: Sounds like we have converged for handling nulls, on using a bnode with a type sentinal. Which type for null flavor?

erich: I recommend we use dicom null flavors.

detlef: Agreed.

detlef: json null is used when a number is missing.
… In other contexts, an empty string is used.

dbooth: Do we want to use a separate empty-string-null vs a numeric-null?

eric: If we don't distinguish between them, it might make round tripping harder.
… If the spec is complete enough to know the types of all properties, and no property that allows both numeric and string, then we could use that for round tripping.

erich: The dicom:vr is always there to indicate the type
… Option 5 may work better for the general case, in dealing w that.
… Certain properties are required, so empty string is used if you don't have a value.

eric: Suspect we need to do a survey of the VRs
… Could decide what we want as a null standoff.
… Then pospone the question of whether to use a single top null type vs two.
… Then do a survey on the VR types. If you could do it over, would you use emptry string for null?
… And can we use microparsing to reconstruct the empty string or numeric null

ACTION: Erich to look at VR types to see how they map to xsd datatypes


Summary of action items

  1. Erich to look at VR types to see how they map to xsd datatypes
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: dbooth

Maybe present: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich, gaurav, jim

All speakers: dbooth, detlef, eric, erich, gaurav, jim

Active on IRC: dbooth