Maturity Model

10 April 2024


AngelaBarker, CharlesL, Fazio, janina, jkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ, Stacey
CharlesL, Stacey

Meeting minutes

<gb> /issues/107 -> #107

New Business

Fazio: TPAC is coming up. Would be great to focus on scoring activities with other W3C groups that attend that aren't involved with us, let them know it's coming. If you want to get your two cents in now is the time to know.

FAzio: Working meeting, not a progress udpate

Fazio: what should we do, what are your thoughts, what do you want out of it?

Jeff: Appropriate to do a presentation to update the progress that's been made from last TPAC, talk about improvements and scoring model and what's to come. Get some comments (adhoc), and if they're serious they can comment in Git

Fazio: Remember best use of time at TPAC is to get people together for in-person work

Fazio: This year it's in Anaheim. Sept 23-27

Mark: Good point, having never been to a TPAC...Other than what I just heard, what are our options?

Fazio: All W3C working groups and task forces. A week of in-person meetings. Essence to get people from around the world who would otherwise not meet, to cross-pollinate to people outside of your working groups and other groups and divisions. What we do impacts all of them (especially APA). You can go to ANY group meeting, network, etc. Meet others

and in-person tell them about the group

Mark: more to do than a working group or working session?

Fazio: Lightning talks, presentations, can do all kinds of things.

<janina> For reference, here's APA's weeklong agenda from 2023:

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2023

Charles: Where do we think we're going to be with our model? A published version? Will we need to/any specific groups we want buy-in and want to invite or work with to a joint session?

Fazio: I think by the time of TPAC we'll have an updated published model and need feedback/working session/engage with others on scoring model

Fazio: Volunteers to brainstorm which groups we should get together with at TPAC?

Jeff: If we have a core group from the team working on various aspects we need to discuss, that's fine. Not comfortable with a single person taking all the info...to have a working idea session we need multiple members of the team. Who's planning on being there? Can we confirm?

Fazio: There's also a hybrid function to participate virtually in TPAC if you can't attend in person

Janina: Two kinds of activities - meet with others and problem-solving. A concentrated amount of time that doesn't get resolved during regular weekly meetings or async.

Charles: I should be there

Janina: Technical Plenary Advisory Council (TPAC)

Janina: We have processes in place in order to make decisions (must have critical mass/consensus)

Charles: Will probably be well attended for US participants due to budgeting and travel costs

Angela: Formalization, is there an agenda?

Janina: there's an agenda. I posted a link to last year's agenda so you can see who we met with/what we did

Janina: Formal process is coming up soon. W3C announcement for hotel conference rates, etc. Support for people participating, diversity fund, the chairs will propose when they want to meet and negotiate for other groups for cross-group meetings, proposed the agendas.

Angela: Are we allowed to join other working groups we're not part of?

Janina and Fazio: Encouraged. They're open. You can just float around, don't have to let people know ahead of time.

Janina: Accessibility are early adopters. Deal with issues long before they go mainstream

Mark: sounds like full days. What about keeping up with regular work?

Janina: If you need to disappear you disappear. Do what you need to do.

Fazio: You're not obligated, you can do whatever you want. Go hang out and build relationships with people. Do any work you need to do, meet up with anyone you want to...

Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback)

Fazio: A lot of run on sentences. especially for internationalization etc.

Stacey: still work to do on plain language. I did take a look at this and try to resolve some of this.

Fazio: Charles will do the changes from David in Github.
… We just need shorter sentences. If you are already doing this fantastic.

Stacey: Jeff, can you check out Github issues 81, 148, 157? They're procurement related.

Stacey: Can someone else take a look at github issues 110, 111, 138 and see if they're resolved with the "usability" doc?

Document for review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wrhomdc2gJWIkDPOveiH3_ig1bddTMonEhIDZIzohrc/edit?usp=sharing

"Final" comments due by next meeting

Fazio: ISSUE 101 for Charles to get into the document.

Issues we think will be resolved by the doc:




















Fazio: come up with a standard response for all these issues.

Stacey: I will draft that and email to group today.

Stacey: I'll draft a standardized response for the Github issues and email the group (probably later today)

Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update

Jeff: Four topics from agenda last week. Single score worth discussion. Haven't gotten a lot of feedback

Jeff: Methodology that subgroup worked out seems to be amenable...

Fazio: Dr. Keith had comments via email

<Fazio> Dr. Keith Comments on Scoring: I think the moidel really needs the benefits of weighted scoring. Here are five (5) ways in which the weighted scoring provides benefit to users of the model:

<Fazio> Alignment with Priorities: Weighted scoring allows organizations to align the model with their specific priorities, emphasizing dimensions and proof points most crucial for the organization’s success.

<Fazio> Customization for Specific Needs: Weighted scoring enables customization of the maturity model to address the unique needs and goals regarding accessibility different organizations

<Fazio> Precision in Evaluation: Weighted scoring allows for a more precise evaluation of maturity by assigning appropriate weights to each stage of maturity. The result recognizes the inherent inequity and bias within maturity assessment while allowing for nuanced assessment.

Jeff: I'd like to have those comments in the record, not prepared to discuss yet.

<Fazio> Incentivizing Improvement: By assigning weights to stages of maturity, weighted scoring incentivizes organizations to prioritize efforts in areas that have the most significant impact on accessibility maturity. The result encourages them to allocate resources and focus on initiatives that drive meaningful improvements.

<Fazio> Strategic Resource Allocation: Weighted scoring facilitates strategic decision-making by providing clarity on where resources should be allocated to maximize the impact on accessibility maturity. The result will help organizations identify areas that require immediate attention and prioritize areas for improvement accordingly.

Charles: Need Dr. Keith here to discuss his comments

Jeff: Next thing to be done, scrub of maturity model proof points and on spread sheet, ensure no duplication, eliminate anything that should be, and sync content with the maturity model doc. I'm happy to look at that.

Jeff: Need to figure out the final format for the spreadsheet. The content of the spreadsheet...it's the model and the tool people will be using. How it will look like? What form will it take? Need a group to figure that out.

Charles: For context, when Benetech was going through this we had multiple groups and it took forever to go through it. We'd have multiple hour long hour-and-a-half long...save and come back to it. Whatever we decide, it needs to be persistent and easy to save and pick up at a later time. If on the web, need a save where you're at and bring it back

to where you left off. Something to think about

Jeff: Probably needs requirements doc for what this tool should evolve in to

Jeff: any volunteers to help come up with the format?

Jeff: I think we can do this simultaneously with confirming the content and the format. At some point it needs to be available in BETA

Charles: The other thing to think about, do we want to have this as a topic at TPAC? OTher groups might have other ideas.

Fazio: We need this doc at a final stage for TPAC discussion

MArk: Like the idea of requirements doc. This would be something to be done in parallel

Fazio: if we don't have enough time to do both...need to pick one to focus on for TPAC

<Dr_Keith0> pesent+

Mark: Is there an example in W3C that's similar?

Janina: I don't think we have a forms front end for anything or an importable structure. Could be wrong.

Fazio: I want to focus on getting the next iteration of the doc done

<Dr_Keith0> For WCAG, the only tool for which I am aware is the WCAG-EM tool: https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/report-tool/

Jeff: Maybe we need a timeline with dates attached

Fazio: Take a look at the doc Stacey referenced and get comments in

Jeff: Spreadsheet work - can we refer to assessment tool rather than scoring?

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: Stacey

Maybe present: Angela, Charles, Jeff, Mark

All speakers: Angela, Charles, Fazio, Janina, Jeff, Mark, Stacey

Active on IRC: AngelaBarker, CharlesL, Dr_Keith0, Fazio, janina, jkline, Mark_Miller, NehaJ, Stacey