08 April 2024


Devanshu, Jamers, Jeanne, JJ, julianmka, karen, Mick, RED

Meeting minutes

<JJ> 1. Work Statement

<JJ> 2. Meeting time proposal

<JJ> 3. Timeline

<JJ> 4. Content outline


<JJ> This document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DrVuynTwhf1IfFdDq6C1ClrNiaulD4aHQCoXDJ9myn0/edit lists some commands in the Monday November 27 section

JJ: any updates or news?

welcome to julian and devanshu

<Jamers> +

MATF Work Statement

<JJ> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q5ggj1BedAKlxugFn9xxahKbKgZeeZsxytdw-o1HQsE/edit

Jamers: looking for tie-ins for mobile applications with other WAI documentation.

Jamers: other things we need to tie in here? Such as a Smart Watch

JJ: We talked about that two weeks ago to exclude those

JJ: any more questions about what's included?

JJ: if we include android and ios, that automatically excluedes watchOS, etc.?

julianmka: what about ipadOS? assume we are excluding tv os's. thinking about future-proofing this. how tightly do we want to align with proprietary operating systems?

JJ: instead of using vendor names, use categories of devices. smart phones and tablets only?

Meeting Time Proposal

JJ: Looking at schedule to see when people are available


JJ: reviewed timeline in MATF Work Statement

Content Outline

JJ: what would our draft look like

<JJ> MATF Github with Level A Success Criteria: https://github.com/w3c/matf/tree/main/wcag

<JJ> - How WCAG 2.2 Relates to Mobile and What's Missing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-SM3PY-phoBN4v3PStawv0fYV3RudhuLLLwoGixDOtg/edit#gid=0

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: karen

All speakers: Jamers, JJ, julianmka

Active on IRC: Devanshu, Jamers, Jeanne, JJ, julianmka, karen, Mick, RED