Web Payments Working Group

29 February 2024


Anne Pouillard (Worldline), David Benoit, Doug Fisher (Visa), Fahad Saleem (Mastercard), Gerhard Oosthuizen (Entersekt), Grégoire Leleux (Worldline), Haribalu Venkataramanara (PayPal), Ian Jacobs (W3C), Jean-Michel Girard (Worldline), Juliana Cafik (Microsoft), Kenneth Diaz (Modirum/Entersekt), Michael Horne (American Express), Nick Telford-Reed, Rolf Lindemann (Nok Nok Labs), Sameer Tare (Mastercard), Stephen McGruer (Google), Steve Cole (MAG), Tomasz Blachowicz (Mastercard)

Meeting minutes

Ideas for SPC

[Gerhard Oosthuizen presentation]

<SameerT> outcome expectations apply equally to issuer (issuer also doesnt know if the credential is present on that device/removed etc)

Gerhard: We still want the API to be useful, even if a credential is not available.
… so part of the proposal is that SPC be a confirmation, not necessarily always a challenge.

Gerhard: So there are three main proposals and some sub-proposals:

A. Always show the SPC dialog and make WebAuthn conditional

B. Provide a clear error to what happened on SPC page

C. Generate a browser possession signal

Sub proposals:

D. Require a transaction specific approval to allow signal generation

E. Don't allow JS/HTML to access/edit the signature

F. Allow a PaymentRequest caller to decide if WebAuthn is required

G. Enable users to opt out of sharing a returning browser signal

H. Allow registration to be silent

[Gerhard shows slide about how the 8 proposals address the four main obstacles he cited]

Ian: what is value of having both a browser signal and webauthn signal?

Gerhard: Device info.

Rolf: Where can privacy come from?

Gerhard: Let's dig in.

* Generated keys would be bound to a top-level/3p origin pair

* Signature requires positive user gesture

* Keypair may be cleared

Gerhard: I think there are multiple ways the browserSignature key pair could be issued:

- Dedicated registration/issuing journey.
… this could be analogous to WebAuthn, but in software or hardware (e.g., using DBSC)

- Generate a key pair managed by the browser

- Generate a key pair as part of an HTTP Response Header by the issuer

- Use the same key provisioned by DBSC

Gerhard: We could gather user consent via the SPC dialog. The text could make clear that the signal can be used to not require a step up challenge.

Gerhard: Regarding how to trust the signal:

- Trust it increasingly over time (as is done with fingerprints today)

- Hardware-bound keys with device attestation

- Only send the signature in an HTTPS header

- Issue the key as a request in an HTTPS response when the issuer has validated the device (DBSC)

- Deliver the signature via back-channel API or .wellknown flows (cf. FedCM)

Gerhard: Suggest preference attribute: required to use webAuthn / preferred / don't use

Gerhard: one idea is an "opt out" box for possible tracking. Not a big fan for this option.

Gerhard: I think that we can increase SPC adoption if there are ways to use it without WebAuthn
… flows and sequencing are same with lower development costs

Gerhard: This would allow us to move faster in a 3-D Secure context (replacing OTPs)

smcgruer_[EST]: This is great work and well-presented. I think that the two parts about providing callers with a clear response and using consistent UX we should just do.
… agree with (1) sign what you see.
… (2) Customer consent is interesting
… (3) Privacy looks interesting but we also need to discuss.

smcgruer_[EST]: I think this is all interesting and worth looking at as a group and testing in an implementation
… we should just do the change in the flow overall

Gerhard: All improvements welcome

Gerhard: It would be valuable to have a good fallback when WebAuthn not available.

SameerT: Where you say the modal should always be displayed - say more on the options

Gerhard: Multiple options, e.g., issuer could do SPC and avoid OTP
… if the merchant adopts SPC with 3DS 2.3.1, the merchant could do the UX after the ACS says "ok to do this without webauthn credentials"
… the ACS could accept the result and still decide to do some other step-up

SameerT: So in both cases you cited, the issuer was the RP.
… so the idea is that there is a user gesture
… and only if there is a strong signature then it qualifies for frictionless

Ian: Is seeing public key again and again à la WebAuthn as input to 3DS?

Ian: I see two scenarios:

a) Registration and strong confidence in key

b) No registration and gradual trust in key

Gerhard: But there's a third option where is late key pair generation (after HTTPS response), where the key pair generation is done by the issuer and sent to the browser.

Ian: What would be needed in 3DS to do a minimal version of this?

Gerhard: 3DS already has a way to handle "no credentials" and also proof.
… there's no place yet to handle 2 signatures or pref.

Sameer: Looking at the options on slide 19, I think 1, 3, and 4 could be done today
… I think delegated key pair version could be handled.
… we'd need to look at case of empty credentials and tx dialog.
… if 3DS method can do this in hidden iframe, then that's possible

Gerhard: One thought i had - what if we use a payment handler (service worker) that kicks of SPC without showing a payment page to begin with.
… so the issuer could use a payment handler without a page, just to kick of SPC
… that way the merchant would know the secure display was coming from an issuer context

rolf: What would happen if there are no credentials? I'm thinking of w3c/webauthn#1568: Support a "create or get [or replace]" credential re-association operation. Could you have a flag to SPC to say "If I don't have a webauthn credential, generate one on the fly without necessarily requiring a user gesture."
… so your key-that-gains-trust over time might be do-able with WebAuthn

Gerhard: Issuer would still need to be able to manage webauthn credentials.

Ian: That's not clear to me. It's not clear you need a FIDO server to determine over time that you can trust a public key; this is not about validating an assertion.

Gerhard: Can the key pair be generated without biometric?

Rolf: You should be able to get a key with user consent. And could be generated automatically. See issue related to get/create operation. I think the predictability is valuable.
… what the issuer does with the credential is up to the user. E.g., in the future the issuer could ask the user to confirm it's really her.

Gerhard: I don't want people to treat something that is not a MFA signal that was not created as such.

Next meeting

14 March

Ian: Sorry, Stephen had some chrome info we didn't get to and we'll talk about at next meeting

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).