MATF February 19, 2024

19 February 2024


Bram, Carolina_Crespo, jeanne_ec, jj, Joe_Humbert, karen, Karla, Mick

Meeting minutes


<jj> Karla Rubiano introduced herself, iOS developer from Colombia with a passion for accessibility

<jj> Bram Janssens introduced himself, experienced with web accessibility, works for Anysurfer, also interested in app accessibility

Work Statement

Jan Japp presented Work Statement. Covers agenda, goals and planning for next few months.

Statement will be reviewed by AG WG in March 2024

Objective is kept simple, directed to Android and iOS apps.

Joe Humbert: Do we need more clarity needed what apps referred to?

Karen Herr: When MATF was created mobile web wasn't as well know. Now the experience is more there. We can be more focused in Native mobile

Jan Japp: Happy to focus on just native apps

Joe Humbert introduction: Doing mobile work for a while - 6 years. Works as a mobile lead. Has been presenting for a while on guidance/standards needed around mobile.

Scope of work, 6 bullets. First covers main goal which is to publish a W3C Group Note.

Jan Japp: The first bullet states 'Mobile app'. Do we need to specify iOS and Android or just leave it Native / Mobile Apps.

Joe Humbert: As it's high level we can just keep it to Native / Mobile apps.

Jan Japp: Change made to refer to as "Native Mobile Apps"

Second scope of work covers contributing to WCAG Evaluation Methodology. How we would evaluate.

JCooley: Feedback to change "Mobile App" to "Native Mobile App" for consistancy.

Third scope of work covers contributing to exist ACT Rules to make them more generic, otherwise adding specific native mobile ones. This would contribute to automated and manual testing.

Joe: Is there a processes on how the ACT Rules get finalized?

Karen: The ACT also has a public group. There's a batch that are drafted and awaiting to get published.

Forth scope of work covers collaborating with other groups such as COGA.

<karen> Karen: The ACT rules go through AGWG before publishing

Fifth scope of work covers creating code samples and techniques. This would be a nice to do but not sure if achievable. How could we achieve adding techniques?

Karen: Currently techniques goes through AGWG.

Jan Japp: I feel this would be difficult to get native technique through this group.

Joe Humbert: Even if we can't provide techniques, perhaps they would allow linking to developer iOS or Android guidelines

Jan Japp: We can just keep this in and just see. Perhaps we could also map ARIA.

Jan Japp: last scope of work covers updating relevant resources, google drive and wiki. Important to know how old documents are and if they are not being worked on anymore.

Jan Japp: Next section covers Approach. We would aim to have other experts and key stakeholders such as developers, designers, researchers..etc..

WCAG A and AA will be prioritized over AAA.

Karen Herr: I'd like us to be a robust group and we should a couple of people with disabilities working on the group.

People that contribute don't need to be an invited expert.

Jan Japp: Timeline goal is to publish W3C group notes before the EU Accessibility Act. Split into 6 phases. Aim to publish this year.

Jan Japp: Idea not to have 2 meetings covering the multiple time zones. Hope that people can join at least 1 meeting every 2 weeks.

Jan Japp: We have a new MATF GitHub repository, which is where we will store our content.

Jan Japp: Stakeholders are anyone whos using an app.

Jan Japp: Probably will get delayed but a good goal to have.

Karen: We'll find out how long it takes to get AG WG to review and provide feedback as we start.

Jan Japp: Other sections in the Work Statement covers dependencies, communication, participation, facilitation and patent policy.

Karen: Are we going to have anyone looking at WCAG 3 silver?

Jan Japp: Feel that Scope of Work number 4 potentially covers it.

Joe: Does the work statement have to get approved?

Jan Japp: Yes.

Jap Japp: Document open for a couple of days for feedback. Would like to send it out this week. There will still be time after that to make changes.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: JCooley, Joe

All speakers: JCooley, Joe, Karen

Active on IRC: Bram, Carolina_Crespo, jeanne_ec, jj, Joe_Humbert, karen, Mick