Digital Identity

Technologies, Standards and Policies

13 August 2024 · Beijing


Identity on the Web is critical to online interaction, with implications for privacy, security, and user sovereignty. W3C has been working on its strategy for Identity related standards. One of the major efforts is the Federated Identity work. W3C Federated Identity Working Group targets to develop specifications that enable users to authenticate an identity or present a credential or set of claims, in a way that is compatible with other protocols and is supportive of user security, privacy and agency. The deliverables of this Working Group include:

  • Federated Credential Management (FedCM) API:This specification defines an API that allows users to login to websites with their federated accounts in a privacy-preserving manner.
  • Login Status API: This specification defines an API to inform the Web Application of their user's login status, so that other Web APIs can operate with this additional signal. Currently, it is a separate chapter in the FedCM specification, and the goal is to publish it as a separate deliverable to be used by FedCM.
  • Digital Credentials API: This specification defines an API that enables user agents to mediate access to and presentation of Digital Credentials in a format-agnostic and protocol-agnostic fashion (e.g., W3C Verifiable Credentials, ISO mDoc, etc.), enabling different use cases such as - but not limited to - government-issued documents, academic credentials, IoT and Supply Chain related identities.

With the goal to sufficiently collect input from stakeholders in China, the W3C China team plans to organize an event with the theme of "Digital Identity: Technologies, Standards and Policies" in Beijing, 13 August 2024. Policymakers, researchers, standard bodies, industry, and user representatives will be invited to join the discussion and help to form a better Identity standard strategy.

How to participate?

If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact:W3C Deputy Director An Qi (Angel) Li (email: angel[at]] and/or W3C/China Site Manager Xiaoqian Wu (email: xiaoqian[at]

Meeting venue:

Location: Beihang University, Beijing

Need help?

If you have any questions or need more details about the event, please contact us via email to