ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference

11 January 2024


howard-e, Joe_Humbert, jugglinmike

Meeting minutes

<Joe_Humbert> 3 of us got in

<Joe_Humbert> I clicked jion from the email that was sent out 20 minutes ago

Manual testing progress check-in

Matt_King: We have four plans that we're trying to get new versions into "candidate review"

Matt_King: Alert, command button, link, and toggle button

Joe_Humbert: I use VoiceOver completely up-to-date. I have NVDA on my personal machine, but I'll have to check if it's completely up to date

Joe_Humbert: I do not have JAWS

Matt_King: That's very helpful; we have folks who can test with JAWS

Matt_King: We don't have anyone assigned to Command Button with VoiceOver besides Isabel

Matt_King: Isabel completed a run for Command Button, so we only need one additional tester

Matt_King: It looks like Alert might be ready to advance to candidate, now

Joe_Humbert: It might be due to the testing I completed just before Christmas. I can't recall which test plans I ran, though.

Joe_Humbert: Out of curiousity, is there a way for me to see what I've already tested?

Matt_King: Not at the moment

Joe_Humbert: As soon as you change the phase, it leaves the Test Queue, and I no longer have a way to see what I've done

Joe_Humbert: It's not a big deal for me, though

Matt_King: It would also be useful for administration, if only to recognize the contributions of all the volunteers

Matt_King: I've made a note of this to myself; I'll raise an issue at least (though I don't know where it fits in the roadmap)

Matt_King: I want to prioritize VoiceOver and Safari for the remaining three: command button, link, and alert

Joe_Humbert: I can do all three no problem. I might not be able to complete them by next week, but I can certainly complete them by the next meeting on 2024-01-25

Matt_King: That's awesome! You can go ahead and use the "assign yourself" button on https://aria-at.w3.org

Matt_King: Please try to complete them in alphabetical order

Matt_King: I have a meeting with Vispero on the 24th. If you could get a few done before then, that would be very helpful

Joe_Humbert: I think that's definitely possible

Matt_King: Great!

Upcoming app updates

Matt_King: The plan is to deploy into production on 2024-01-22 with the NVDA automation

howard-e: That's right

Matt_King: We also have some bug fixes. I haven't reviewed the entire list of everything that needs to be tested on the "sandbox" server yet, though

howard-e: I think "staging" is where the bug fixes are, now

howard-e: The "sandbox" server is running the automation work right now, which is currently on a distinct branch of development from the bug fixes

Matt_King: Ah, yes, I remember that, now

howard-e: That includes the "key up" work. Also, there was an issue with the test results not being properly migrated when there was a new R&D version pushed. The fix for that should be included, too

howard-e: I think there are some other details, as well.

howard-e: We should be able to support the v2 test report page, as well

howard-e: There are a couple things that would also be important, but I don't think they will be a part of "staging" necessarily

howard-e: For instances, supporting "level 0" assertions, and also capturing severity

howard-e: Those are pull requests that exist for ARIA-AT, not the App. But once those changes in ARIA-AT land, then we should be ready to move on the corresponding updates to ARIA-AT App

howard-e: Everything I'm mentioning here, I'll push to staging toward the end of the day

Matt_King: If you could send me an e-mail when you do, that would be great

Matt_King: I'm looking forward to announcing those changes

Matt_King: Joe_Humbert do you have any feedback about the new content in the data collection form?

Joe_Humbert: It seemed fine. I haven't come across any unexpected behavior, yet, though. That will be the true test

Matt_King: Ah, okay, though we don't have those specific changes deployed yet

Joe_Humbert: Having fewer tests overall was definitely nice

Targets for 2024 H1

Matt_King: I have a proposal here in the agenda. The first part is a breakdown for what I'd like to see from a testing perspective

Matt_King: It's "6+ test plans achieve recommended status," and we're well on our way for that

Matt_King: For the next set of testing, we'll go back to using our prioritization method

Matt_King: I'm hoping we have enough people to get all that testing done before the middle of April

Matt_King: Then we'll have a long tail of stuff that we can get into the "draft review" phase and ready for the "candidate" phase

Matt_King: I think we'll need more people present in this meeting before we can have a meaningful conversation about whether this plan is too aggressive or not aggressive enough

Matt_King: We still have a lot of talking to do about the details of the App development

Matt_King: But I've laid out some goals in broad strokes on today's agenda

Matt_King: 1. Total: refactoring and testing complete for at least 20 test plans.

Matt_King: 2. 12 to 20 test plans have AT support tables in APG.

Matt_King: 3. APG AT support tables are redesigned to show must/should/may counts.

Matt_King: 4. Automation is updating data for each new release of JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.

Matt_King: 5. Report site shows trends for each AT.

Matt_King: When I meet with the folks at Vispero, I'll be speaking with them about their recent efforts to run the tests automatically

Matt_King: I believe they have some technical questions, so I'll be sure to connect them to howard-e and jugglinmike to discuss

Joe_Humbert: It'd be nice to get manual test results from Vispero in addition to the two volunteer-reported results

jugglinmike: And Z has started on the VoiceOver work. I don't have a sense for when that will be ready for production, though

Matt_King: As for the fifth goal: we want to be able to understand how interop data has changed over time, both at a high level and for any given test plan

Matt_King: That's another thing we're hoping to complete before June 30

Matt_King: We launched the first version of the support tables in time for Global Accessibility Awareness Day, so I'm thinking it could be nice to launch version two of those tables in time for the even this year

howard-e: Sounds good! I'm especially looking forward to being able to surface trends and progress

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Total: /1. Total: /

Maybe present: Matt_King

All speakers: howard-e, Joe_Humbert, jugglinmike, Matt_King

Active on IRC: howard-e, Joe_Humbert, jugglinmike