Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

08 Dec 2023


Jade, jedi, BrianE, Michele, Kosi, shawn, sharron, Frankie, Laura, kakinney, MarkPalmer, kevin, LucyH


<scribe> Scribe: Sharron

<BrianE> Easy Checks Requirements doc: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Easy_Checks_2022#Requirements_Analysis

Brian: Will have reading breaks for those who need it and then make this a working session and track the discussion through GutHub mostly. Scribing will be light and we'll go through the survey and follow the questions, have discussion, and document outcomes in Github.

<BrianE> Adding new issue in Easy Checks GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/wai-easy-checks/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&projects=&template=draft-review-content-issue.md&title=%28low%2Fmed%2Fhigh%29+Content+issue+title

Shawn: And if you see minor changes needed, add those yourself.

Brian: Review the instructions for entering new issues in GitHub if it is useful.

KrisAnne: Keep in mnd the requirements and the use cases. Focussing on who this is for - not professional auditors - will have impact on what you recommend and approve.
... and of course future use cases might change but for this iternation, we are trying to support people who are now to this.

Kevin: A few issues have been raised and I will tag things as 'to-do' and comment on the ones I am not going to address at this time.

Brian: Let's take a 5 minute reading break and then discuss....

<shawn> [ Jade, I added "These use case are examples. There may be other use cases." :-]

<BrianE> https://deploy-preview-131--wai-easychecks.netlify.app/test-evaluate/easy-checks/

Shawn: Any general questions or comments about requirments/scope/use cases?

Brian: OK on then to the next section, will do this in 5 minutes blocks

<kakinney> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/Easychecknewstar/

<jedi> typo: section: Introduction. current: THe checks also tell you what you should be looking for. fix: The checks ...

<kevin> Fixed

Brian: Review the survey section on Common Checks, start with Shawn's q to kevin

Shawn: What is the status, do you need comments

Kevin: Not working now, on the list to address, happy to ahve comments

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask about "disclaimer" and to 1. ask about status of section at the top (is that proposed as is or still draft?)

Brian: Any objection to word 'disclaimer'

All: none

<shawn> Shawn doesn't like "Disclaimer". Some others do. Shawn won't object.

Laura: Disclaimer is a good way to indicate that simply becasue you've checked a few thigs doesn't mean it is compliant

Brian: and gives more imprtance that simply calling it a 'note'

Jade: raises issues and Kevin asks her to document her suggestions in GitHub

<shawn> qq+

<shawn> Shawn suggests moving to the bottom https://www.w3.org/WAI/test-evaluate/preliminary/#next

<kevin> Evaluation content

<shawn> +1 to not have the text wrap under the image

Shawn: For the issues requiring code fixes, Brian or Laura or others do you ahve collegues who might help?

Michelle: Like the overall struture and presentation, am expecting some expand and collapse function and improved navigation

<Michele> Example: https://www.a11yproject.com/checklist/

<Zakim> Michele, you wanted to comment on navigation

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to reply to Michele and to say one page option. summary page (Amanda). check page

Brian: will move question to GitHub

Lucy: Raises issue in Common Checks - keyboard are successful rather than keyboard focused

<shawn> qq+ to reply to Lucy

Brian: Reminder that there will be subsequent iterations

Shawn: Could add this is only one aspect of keyboard access and there are others

Kevin: That could conceivably be said of every check

<shawn> Michele more ideas for a single page ...

<shawn> Michele: want checkin simple text on first page. Then details on sub-page.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say top summary exactly the same then can ignore it and to +1 Michele on more succinct info and to follow-up on Michele's idea on put the check first? and note

Frankie: The approach makes sense to start with educational and have a graduated version for step 2 and are ready to move to next step. Opportunities for doing a one pager type approach.

Laura: I like the approach of where it's going - landing page is clear, readable. Maybe some conssidtaincy in presenting what, why and how. The whole question of 'easy' and "quick' is something we have been through before. Had intial trouble with the bookmarklets, and the intention around them - looking forwrd to more do=conversation around that.

Brian: In summary, it seems like there is enough support for consideration of an abbreviated or one pager type version of this. We can document as a future feature.

Jade: Isn't the page itself the check list?

Kosi: Thinking about a list, we need to avoid providing just a chack that skips over the 'why' of these are improtant.

Shawn: Would it make sense for people who have used Easy Checks before and come back be able to access the bookmarklet on the page?

All: maybe not

Kevin explains how to install bookmarklets without drag and drop

Laura: Can we have a demo or point to one for adding bookmarklets

Frankie: I can volunteer for that task

<shawn> Laura: I was not successful using the bookmarkets.

bookmarklets {from Laura]

Kevin: Buttons to add bookmarklets are the same, we explored "press the button to see what happens" with example code.

<shawn> [ shawn's browser does not have bookmarks bar ]

<shawn> Laura: did not work on my PC at all. works on my Mac. must be configured differently

<shawn> previous comments on bookmarks <https://github.com/w3c/wai-easy-checks/issues/127> though think want a new issue

<shawn> -1 they google it

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to suggest one overall instruction on using bookmarks, not repeating on every page

Shawn: Need to add instructions to make it clear this resource depends on bookmarklets 100% Need to let people know how to use it.

Kevin: Not really

Mark: The way it works is different as browsers update

Shawn: Still need to explain the concept and how to approach
... Laura as an example

Laura: We do need more specific wording around the purpose and function of the bookmarklet

Sharron: +1 to laura and Shawn

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to note different looking buttons

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say overall use and repeating info and to note UT on this approach

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/12/08 15:26:00 $

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Succeeded: s/people/keyboard/
Succeeded: s/people/keyboard/
Succeeded: s/ want to check / want check/
Default Present: Jade, jedi, BrianE, Michele, Kosi, shawn, sharron, Frankie, Laura, kakinney, MarkPalmer, kevin, LucyH
Present: Jade, jedi, BrianE, Michele, Kosi, shawn, sharron, Frankie, Laura, kakinney, MarkPalmer, kevin, LucyH
Found Scribe: Sharron
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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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