ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force Weekly Teleconference

05 December 2023


Andrea_Cardona, Ariella_Gilmore, arigilmore, Cory, CoryJoseph, Howard, howard-e, Jem, jongund, jongund_, jugglinmike, Matt_King

Meeting minutes

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/December-5%2C-2023-Agenda

Setup and Review Agenda

Jem: We'll have meeting next week and one more on the 19th, the following two will be cancelled for the holidays

Status of Site Updates

Jem: Next publication: December 19, 2023. Branch cut date: December 18, 2023

Jem: We have to pull requests ready for the next publication. You can find links in the meeting agenda

Matt_King: A GitHub "check" did not run for one of those, and I don't know why. I'm also concerned that it might represent a larger problem which affects other pull requests

howard-e: I'll take a look

Matt_King: Shawn said there was no problem publishing on the 19th as long as there are only content changes--nothing complicated

Matt_King: We *do* have one item further on in the agenda related to the structure of the repository, and that seems like it may be too complicated

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2807

PR 2839 - set aria-expanded false when menus are closed

Matt_King: Previously, we had a problem with the preview build

Matt_King: I verified the toolbar change locally

Matt_King: But last night, it still wasn't working in preview

howard-e: the issue is a token authorization problem

howard-e: Carmen at Bocoup is asking Shawn if it's possible to update this. Hopefully, we can get this fixed today, but it may have to wait until Monday

howard-e: There's also some concern about this strategy moving forward. It relies on long-lived tokens

howard-e: That's a conversation that needs to happen with WAI. I think Bocoup can lead that conversation.

Andrea_Cardona: There's a regression test failing, and I was unsuccessful in my attempts to fix it

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2839 (comment)

jongund_: helpfully offered to take a look

jongund_: I added some suggestions this morning

Andrea_Cardona: Great! I'll take a look after this meeting

Matt_King: All the editorial review is done on this one

Matt_King: I'm responsible for the functional review. I'll wait for the preview build problem to be fixed

Matt_King: Code review is assigned to nobody. Oh!

jongund_: I can perform the code review

Matt_King: Thank you!

Matt_King: Looks like test review is assigned to Jem

Matt_King: there are no other reviews because there are no visual changes

Matt_King: This could probably land this week. Awesome!

jongund_: I'll wait for Andrea_Cardona to make her changes before performing the code review

Issue 2501 - Rating slider redesign

github: w3c/aria-practices#2831

Matt_King: I'm signed up for editorial review here, but I haven't done that, yet

Matt_King: Looks like Curt has done the functional review, and Ariella_Gilmore has done the visual design review

Ariella_Gilmore: I'll get to the accessibility review this week

Matt_King: code review is to be done by Andrea_Cardona

Finish repo restructure

github: w3c/aria-practices#2869

Matt_King: This is another one of those changes where it's focused on the back-end. We don't want the site to regress at all

Matt_King: We want people to compare every page of the website in the preview to the corresponding page in production

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2702

Matt_King: That's over 100 pages, so we're going to have to split up the work

Matt_King: For more context: in the current architecture, almost all of the images are inserted via scripts during the build process

Matt_King: But the images are content, so we want to control them from the "content" repository. We don't want the build process to insert content

Matt_King: This build moves all of that content into the content repository (e.g. 31 SVG files). It changes every page that has at least one image--it adds the reference to the image as a relative link

Matt_King: Once this lands, we'll have full control over the content from the "content" repository

Matt_King: We've done this in phases and steps since the launch of the redesign last year. This is the final step in that long process

Matt_King: In the past when we've had to make large changes like this, we've divided up patterns alphabetically

Matt_King: It appears that the preview for this isn't working right now. Hopefully the preview will be fixed later today, so that if we assign reviewers during this meeting today, then those preview links will be available tomorrow

Matt_King: It might be a lot to ask to have this all reviewed by Monday, but I think the work will go pretty quickly

Matt_King: Here's what I have in mind for the reviewers we designate for this work: Go to the production site, load the page, then on the preview, go to that same page in another tab. If they look the same at first glance, then move on to the next page.

Matt_King: The goal is no differences. If there is a difference, we'd want to know about that and flag it in the pull request

Matt_King: If we can get this done by Monday, then we could get it deployed this year. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until next year because this change is too complicated for us to give to Shawn by the only other publication date this year (December 19)

howard-e: Fixing the preview will require assistance from W3C, but it's not clear who is able to help and if they are available today

Matt_King: I don't think we need to review the "About" page. Between the "patterns" pages and the "practices" pages, I think there are about 80 pages to review in total

Matt_King: jongund_ can you look at the "patterns" page and then the "patterns" page up through just before "radio group"?

jongund_: Sure

Ariella_Gilmore: I can take "radio" through "window splitter"

Jem: I can review the "practices" pages

Matt_King: Then we would have everything covered amongst the three of you

Matt_King: I don't think there are any images on the index page

Jem: And there are no images on the "about" page, either

Matt_King: Okay, then I think between jongund_, Ariella_Gilmore, and Jem, I think that covers it!

Issue 2870: HTML labeling guidance

Matt_King: I was really surprised that there were problems with labeling via encapsulation

Matt_King: I didn't know that labeling via the "for" attribute was preferred

Matt_King: Some of the references are a few years old, but I would imagine this recommendation is still relevant

Matt_King: Does anyone object to changing our guidance?

jongund_: What about radio buttons and checkboxes? Those are the ones that people are naturally going to want to encapsulate

Matt_King: Well, checkbox is the example that's provided

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2870

Matt_King: Some of our examples don't follow this guidance, but that allows us to perform interoperability testing, so I wouldn't necessarily recommend changes those

Matt_King: I'm shocked because this approach to labeling (wrapping the input and the text with the "label" element) has been around for over a decade

Matt_King: But the reporter is saying that Dragon doesn't recognize the input in that case

CoryJoseph: We've seen this in CVS

CoryJoseph: Specifically for voice control users on our sites

Matt_King: I started drafting an alternative pull request to the one that's been offered because the one that's been offered introduces new words and concepts. I don't know if those are necessary

Matt_King: I would generally prefer to communicate the preference and emphasize it with the sequence that we offer alternatives

Matt_King: Hearing no objection to that, I'll have my alternate pull request ready for public review soon

Tab behavior in disclosure navigation menu

github: w3c/aria-practices#2866

Matt_King: The reporter thinks that when you tab out of a disclosure menu, it should close

Matt_King: This is not a menu, so I'm not sure I agree. Then again, we've made exceptions in other patterns, so I wonder if folks here agree

CoryJoseph: This is a tricky problem because we have to consider whether it needs to cover the misuse of the pattern

Matt_King: Does anyone agree with the reporter?

jongund: I don't like an exception for the patterns, per se, but there's so much confusion over the patterns already...

Matt_King: But if we go along with this suggestion, doesn't that exception increase the confusion?

Matt_King: An exception like this reduces the differentiation with the "menu", and I wonder if the recommendation to authors for this situation should be to "use the menu pattern, instead"

CoryJoseph: I'm on the fence about this

<Jem> Caution!

<Jem> Before considering use of the Menubar Pattern for site navigation, it is important to understand:

<Jem> The menubar pattern requires complex functionality that is unnecessary for typical site navigation that is styled to look like a menubar with expandable sections or fly outs.

<Jem> A pattern more suited for typical site navigation with expandable groups of links is the Disclosure Pattern. For an example, see Example Disclosure Navigation Menu.

Matt_King: The "menu bar" pattern page and the "disclosure" pattern page already compliment each other by referencing each other and explaining how to choose between them

<Jem> caution about navigation menubar

Matt_King: CoryJoseph if you want to review those two pages, I think your perspective as a new attendee to this meeting would be particularly helpful

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


All speakers: Andrea_Cardona, Ariella_Gilmore, CoryJoseph, howard-e, Jem, jongund, jongund_, Matt_King

Active on IRC: arigilmore, Jem, jongund_, jugglinmike