Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Teleconference

01 Dec 2023


shawn, kevin, kakinney, Laura, Michele, BrianE, Sharron, Kosi, Frankie


<scribe> Scribe: kakinney

Easy Checks

Kevin: Easy checks, want to publish something before January 1st. We started looking at it early this year with work on and off during the year.
... we have something that aligns with something that we have discussed through the year. we have a first set of checks to get those first preliminary easy checks on web accessibility.
... categorized by the work we had in TPAC. the ideas are trying to keep them to a straightforward introduction and check.
... there is a backlog of things to look for but we can revisit this and look at more options.
... early discussions, we looked at bookmarklets. they fit with the focused nature of what we want to do. bookmarklets have been rewritten so they work without any 3rd party tool.
... to make something regardless of where you are. no 3rd party tools, no security risk.

for some checks, you just have to do the check for the captions.

scribe: not supposed to be the be all, end all of checks. they are basic checks.

Kevin: we have the content mostly written, all the bookmarkklets are written and working. what we need is 1. anything big missing? 2. looking at fixing typos, mistakes, bugs? General aspects of a monkey review - looking at all of the content.
... my hope is that they are largely self explanatory, so keep that in mind. pass it to colleagues and see if they can test it too.
... big changes, we will get on that in subsequent months.
... survey has link to Github with a template so the feedback can be most usable.
... two things we are finishing off - at the top of the check there is a TO DO listed with some images or screen shots of what we can put in there.
... the other is that a lot of the checks, the bookmarklets are the work of people and we need to acknowledge the people that helped work on them. Two areas where we are working on still.
... if you have an image to add to the story, that would be helpful.
... left hand navigation is still missing.

Sharron: we have a volunteer graphic artist, could it be helpful to have her volunteer for this?

Kevin: the rest will likely be screen shots so likely below a graphic artist.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to ask nav and other things in survey

Shawn: can we add what NOT to look at in the survey?

kakinney: yes.

Kevin: I will welcome github issues coming in even after the close of the survey. so the survey will close on Tuesday 12/12 but work will start going right away.

Shawn: This document is going to be a fluid and undergoing changes as it goes. I think its ok to do it this time.

BrianE: is the intention to publish this with a DRAFT status

Kevin: it wil likely be published with DRAFT. we plan to update the URL and then think about how to redirect from the existing to this new URL.

Shawn: We will leave an archived version of the old Easy Checks.

kakinney: link for the survey will be out in Work for this week and in an email.

introcuding our new WAI Staff - Kosi Asabere

<shawn> Kosi intro e-mail https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2023OctDec/0029.html

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say Sharron

New Skills Survey

Skills Survey will be open for the whole year. you can edit answers and change answers based on what you are capable of working on for the group.

<shawn> @@1placeholder

scribe: we'd like to know what your strengths are. What you would like to do on an editorial team, would you like to do work on EOWG resources or work with other task forces or working groups.

F2F Survey

BrianE: the survey is open, if you think you can attend any of the conferences we can figure out if we can have a face to face meeting.

Shawn: we will have people there, do we have someone that can host a meeting? Cover food and internet for the meeting?

Project Management ideas

BrianE: tailing on the skills survey, one thing we want to do is help consolidate information on all the different resources and what the current state of the documents are.
... we want to work on moving issues into Github for managing projects so we have a single source of truth.
... each resource has its own repository in GIthub. Instead of only using it for issues, we can use it to keep all files for the project. there is a Readme file, and a wiki so we can use those to keep project plans, requirements analysis, historical data.
... then we can attach the team names to it, so we know who to approach about resources as they want to edit or bring up issues.

<shawn> [ sidenote - outreach opportunity: please promote this blog post : https://www.w3.org/blog/2023/digital-accessibility-updates-on-international-day-of-persons-with-disabilities-idpd-2024/]

BrianE: having information about the audience right there as you're doing reviews would be helpful.

<shawn> [ sidenote outreach opportunity ; here's a linkedin post https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7136025055183974400/]

Michele: Any way to help us pick up the work is really helpful. When we're working on a lot of different things at once. Templates are helpful. They help us to get the things done easier.

BrianE: Regarding the issue templates, I want to roll that out to all of the active repos to give you the details you need to provide to help the editor. Helps everyone.
... helps to keep things moving

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2023/12/01 14:49:53 $

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Succeeded: s/We can save the archive version of the old Easy Checks./We will leave an archived version of the old Easy Checks./
Default Present: shawn, kevin, kakinney, Laura, Michele, BrianE, Sharron, Kosi, Frankie
Present: shawn, kevin, kakinney, Laura, Michele, BrianE, Sharron, Kosi, Frankie
Found Scribe: kakinney
Inferring ScribeNick: kakinney

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<dbooth> Date: 12 Sep 2002

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