Meeting minutes
Welcome, general updates
Lionel_Wolberger: Welcome Matt, good to have you back
matatk: Good to be back.
Meeting time change
Lionel_Wolberger: Janina is not able to make this meeting half of the time. Can we consider some possibilities and debate on the list? Then conclude next week?
matatk: In which TZs are our regular contributors?
Lionel_Wolberger: I'm in New York + 7 / UTC + 2
matatk: russell UTC - 5
matatk: UTC
Abhinav: UTC + 5:30
Lionel_Wolberger: My co-facilitator is UTC - 8
Lionel_Wolberger: Tues and Thurs are OK for me, Tues preferable
matatk: Thurs is good. Tues is a maybe, have to check on a conflict I have.
russell: +1 to Tuesday
<russell_> yes
russell: or Thursday
<russell_> +1
<Abhinav> +1
Abhinav: Tues or Thurs OK
Lionel_Wolberger: And we have Roy in +8
matatk: I will check in with the APA planning call and get back to the co-facilitators
Symbol Module Implementations: One-pager in HTML
Lionel_Wolberger: Sharon was going to implement and Ruoxi upload this. Any news?
matatk: Back in Sept I attended a conference, "state of the browser'
matatk: here is the link, https://
matatk: Matt will check with Rot at APA
Issue 240 discussion (Unicode / Registry)
Lionel_Wolberger: Last week there was a great discussion and a way forward.
russell_: I engaged on the github issue and commented
… Mats Lundälv was president of BCI
… Andy Judson and Annalu Waller
… they addressed mapping between symbol sets using BlissIDs
… there was a first version that mapped between Bliss and ARASAAC
… it worked in Libre Office
… it was called the concept coding framework
Lionel_Wolberger: I find a link online to a PDF, http://
russell_: Any concept database would be helpful in translation
… wordnet is one that comes to mind
… the URL is here, https://
… I may be able to extract a database of Bliss symbolics that they mapped in that previous work
matatk: Thanks to Russel for explaining all that
… We did have discussions on this at TPAC, and there was a lot of interest
… I feel the TF should look into this
… that would benefit our work even if it does not cause a change of course
Lionel_Wolberger: A few things. (1) I recall this came up in March and it bears looking at; action me to read through it and compare it. Maybe it should go into our gap analysys.
Lionel_Wolberger: Mapping by concept sounds like a deep idea. We have to bear in mind that we need to be normative. First glance at WordNet is that I'm not sure if it will be robust (from a standards perspective; unchanging) for 10 years.
Lionel_Wolberger: (2) at M-Enabling, I sat with Jutta Treviranus who is very interested in our work, and is working in a group that is writing books in Bliss.
Lionel_Wolberger: Jutta invited us to her next meeting.
Lionel_Wolberger: (3) Issue 240, I want to catch up with all that russell wrote, and thank russell for his contributions!
russell: I know Jutta from my earliest days in AAC
… at the Hugh MacMillan center, now part of Holland Bloorview
… the project is called Baby Bliss Bot, inclusive-design/
… An exploratory research project to generate new Bliss vocabulary using machine learning techniques.
… I have been somewhat involved
<Zakim> matatk, you wanted to ask if E. A. Draffan happens to be involved with this project?
russell: I would also add that Fraser Shein (Quillsoft) is another potentially relevant party
well-known URI for accessibility proposal/discuss. include in Gap analysis (Lionel)
matatk: I have a draft that I intend to share next week
… I reviewed the proposal from Abhinav and team
… it all fits together
… at TPAC we had an informal review and had a good reception
Abhinav: I can't make next week, Matt can you share a draft