Maturity Model

01 November 2023


CharlesL, Fazio, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, sheribyrne, stacey
Lionel_Wolberger, sheribyrne, stacey

Meeting minutes

<Fazio> chair, Fazio

<gb> /issues/145 -> #145

<gb> /issues/153 -> #153

<gb> /issues/83 -> #83

<gb> /issues/85 -> #85

<gb> /issues/145 -> #145

<gb> /issues/153 -> #153

<gb> /issues/83 -> #83

<gb> /issues/85 -> #85

new business

Charles: updated spreadsheet with summary, pulling data and scores.

Sheri: that's awesome

Equity Considerations Estimate

Sheri: quick run through, trying to nbuild framework for which dimensions need new evidence/proof points for equity and sustainability. Dozen proof points that would be required, might need subproof points. Five require between 1-3 sets of proof points.

Sheri: would like to continue working on this. Can work with equity/sustainability group to flesh this out.

Sheri: the ones most impacted, procurement, personnel, communications, and knowledge and skills

Sheri: not a super heavy lift, the decision is do we want to do it, not how do we do it

Lionel: can we aim for simplicity?

Sheri: that might mean us adding it. Every time we make a change to ours, they'd have to make a change to theirs...

Janina: we need it in a single document to succeed

continued: anything normative, it's W3C

David: is this maturity model for all W3C or just within WAI?

Janina: we want our model to be sustainable

continued: there's a little fast and loose around scope

Sheri: we're using two different forms of the word sustainability. There's environment vs. the model. Not the same thing.

Janina: there's a coordination issue, needs to be figured out

Sheri: assessment is it's not that much work, the question is does it belong or not?

Janina to take up issue with AGWG chairs

Fazio: we should also bring it up on the WAI coordination call

janina: do AGWG chairs first

Lionel_Wolberger: I think we have a clearer picture, we now understand impact. Do we want to create a pro / cons list?

Fazio: Model was designed to be extensible.

Fazio: Cost doesn't matter

sheribyrne: There are two sides to simplicity. (1) simple for the end users (2) simple for W3C to maintain it

<Fazio> +1

and W3C simplicity is more important, because we need to be able to maintain it or the users have nothing

sheribyrne: and W3C simplicity is more important, because we need to be able to maintain it or the users have nothing

janina: we need to stay in scope and not jeopardize keeping the model moving forward

sheribyrne: we could filter based on accessibility, sustainability and equity in the tool. People could select the ones they want

Lionel_Wolberger: do we need to write out the pros/cons?

janina: has what she needs for the AGWG conversation

stacey: do we have definitions for equity and sustainability

Stacey: does equity and sustainability have firm definitions and are they focused on business maturity or a11y?

Sheri: equity...not a focus on a11y. It's on human aspect. Assuming sustainabiltiy is the same, but need to find out. How do you measure an initiative or software or meeting ie equitable

sheribyrne: q+

We don't have a conflict, we just have a scoping decision to be made

Janina: need to ask about scope/what's in and what's out

Fazio: is this taking up too much of our time?

janina: yes, but we can't resolve it here

janina: and we can't tell them what to do

<janina> https://www.w3.org/2021/Process-20211102/

The equity group is currently working on proof points/evidence that could be used either in our maturity model or an extension

MM Draft usability update

stacey: will get going on that next week, with Susi (possibly async)

GitHub Issue #145 Linking would make it easier to use

<gb> /issues/145 -> #145

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#145

<gb> Issue 145 Linking would make it easier to use (by clapierre)

Fazio: will start assigning issues to people

sheribyrne: this issue is obsolete, it comes from when we were still working in the google doc

Fazio: lets close it then

Fazio: action item - close everything that we've logged that is obsolete

sheribyrne: someone needs to close Jake's issues

Fazio: I got 8 or 10 of them reviewed and closed

sheribyrne: that means there are about 20 remaining

sheribyrne: no one volunteered, so we will close them on this call

Zakim: next item

GitHub Issue #153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured

<gb> /issues/153 -> #153

<Fazio> w3c/maturity-model#153

<gb> Issue 153 The effectiveness of knowledge/skill acquisition should be measured. (by jasonjgw)

sheribyrne: skip this one, we don't have enough time left on this call

<gb> /issues/83 -> #83

Github Issue #83 Section 3.7.2 Ratings for Evaluation - Culture: proof points vs. ratings mismatch

Fazio: homework is to go through issues they've logged that are obsolete and close them

Fazio: I will try to go through Jake's editorial issues and address or close them

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: sheribyrne

Maybe present: Charles, continued, David, Lionel, Sheri, Zakim

All speakers: Charles, continued, David, Fazio, Janina, Lionel, Lionel_Wolberger, Sheri, sheribyrne, stacey, Zakim

Active on IRC: CharlesL, Fazio, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, sheribyrne, stacey