ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

24 October 2023


Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King

Meeting minutes

Issue 2815 - Color contrast problem in source code section of example pages

github: w3c/aria-practices#2815

Matt_King: This has screen shots describing the color contrast in the source code

Jem: the reporter is saying that the use of green/red will be a problem for some folks

Matt_King: Does this pass WCAG?

Jem: I can check if the contrast is technically an accessibility issue

Jem: Regardless of contrast and colors, though, it just doesn't look consistent

Matt_King: Based soley on what's written, it sounds like a contrast issue--not a green-red color issue

jugglinmike: the syntax hilighter is malfunctioning. It's highlighting the code in a way that doesn't make logical sense

[the group investigates the syntax highlighting behavior]

Jem: I'll leave a comment with some additional information about the problem

Matt_King: I'll modify the title so the problem is a little more clear

Matt_King: This doesn't effect every example page, right? Just some of them.

Jem: That's right

Matt_King: Okay, I think we have good documentation, now, and we have a path forward

Issue 2544 - Bug in treeview navigation

github: w3c/aria-practices#2544

Matt_King: I couldn't figure out what the issue was from the text alone

jugglinmike: The critical step to reproduce is to open a sub-menu, leave the sub-menu open, and then close the parent. After that, it becomes impossible to navigate to the parent's siblings

jugglinmike: This isn't just about the very first item in the list, either. It can be reproduced using the second item in the list, as well

Matt_King: I'll write up a more explicit set of steps to reproduce

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


All speakers: Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King

Active on IRC: jugglinmike, Matt_King