RQTF Teleconference

11 October 2023


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, scott_h
jasonjgw, scott_h

Meeting minutes

<janina> Date 11 Oct 2023


Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.

<janina> ~.

<janina> pwd

<janina> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/ctaur/js2310a/index.html

Janina: move to WCAG 2.2

happy to do it - might dela slightly

jason: happy to do it

but wait for Janina changes to make WCAG 2.2 changes

janina: should also look at ATAG, ARIA after update

also 1PWD well known URIs - IE

went through remainder of notes

NOte at Section 1.2, valid points and took out aisde and kept

then edditions to introduction

e.g. dont rely on c color alone: became introduction to WCAG 2. 1.4

alo added preference for standard controls to mirror desktop app equivalent

end of intro, paragraph that graphics editing, amths etc for collaborative tools, supported accessibly e.g. captions, headings, alt tet etc

jason: what to take another look before merging?

janina: yes

janina: bibliography provided by Scott, want to walk through the poitns if relevant

references to back to 2011

jason: that's quite old

would hold back on reference, post-next PWD

janina: will read and pull out potential relevant poitns for dicussion

jason: can add newer references

possible updated workng draft for next week

Media Accessibility User requirements.

media discussion on 17th, will join the call

more to report next week

Miscellaneous topics.

still progressing a COGA liason to help with GitHub

Jason: recent conference discussed conciousness and possible criteria in next 10 years, animal welfare, not directly related to this gropu but interesting

Raja: conference title?

jason: first one was broadening AI/ethics conference

upcoming conference is Ireland conference on inclusion in science, accessibility-related

correction - ISLAND, not Ireland

Raja: recently particated in AI and interpreting,

no real full process yet, need to consider accessibility: human interpreters? AI interpreters? working toghethr?


M-enabling conference

janina: yes its on at the moment

Raja: AI conference separate, but discusson on how AI is impacting audio transcribing

janina: gets about 80% right

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: scott_h

Maybe present: jason, Raja

All speakers: Janina, jason, Raja

Active on IRC: janina, jasonjgw, JPaton, scott_h