ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

03 October 2023


Andrea_Cardona, Ariellagilmore, arigilmore, Bryan_Garaventa, Daniel, dmontalvo, howard-e, Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King, siri
Curt, jongund

Meeting minutes

<Matt_King> CAIR: Jemma

<arigilmore> present_

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/October-3%2C-2023-Agenda

Jem: Our next meeting is Tuesday, October 10

Status of Site Updates

Jem: I saw that Shawn published the changes this morning

Matt_King: All 7 of the items in this list on the agenda were published

Matt_King: Some awesome steps forward here

Matt_King: I haven't done anything yet to validate that things are good in production

Matt_King: I'd appreciate if anyone could volunteer to make sure all these things are present, but I will eventually get to it if no one else does

Jem: I'm pretty tied up this week, but I can try on Sunday night

dmontalvo: I'll take a look as well

Matt_King: Thanks! There's one in particular that I'd like you to look at because it's totally visual--the combobox CSS fix

Matt_King: That's it for site updates. Thank you to everyone for all the help!

PR 2775: Feed example changes

github: w3c/aria-practices#2775

Matt_King: As we've been reviewing this pull request, we've run into some problems with making the iframe work

Matt_King: howard-e merged a change by jugglinmike in WAI-ARIA Practices. I wasn't clear about what that was doing

jugglinmike: My fix addresses the problem on my machine, and howard-e verified it, as well. Unfortunately, it appears to have had no effect on the preview system.

jugglinmike: I haven't been able to identify why this is the case, yet. Alex_Flenniken will likely be taking a look in the coming months

Matt_King: Thanks. Let's assume that technical problem is solvable. There's another aspect I'd like to discuss

Matt_King: Aaron Leventhal has reported that putting examples inside iframes makes it much easier to direct people to them

Matt_King: I began wondering if this is a pattern we could replicate across the APG--placing all examples within the iframe

Jem: Was Aaron's request sent to you via e-mail or on GitHub?

Matt_King: Via GitHub--issue #2386 w3c/aria-practices#2386

howard-e: I like that proposal

howard-e: There's an opportunity for ARIA-AT to use the more bare-bones versions of the example pages

howard-e: I worry about how tests may have to be changed to account for this, but right now, I do like the thought

Matt_King: If arigilmore was into us turning her project into a big old experiment, we could try it with this PR

James: Couldn't we host the examples as standalone documents and also build them directly into the pages where they are currently rendered?

Matt_King: So in the ARIA-Practices, we would continue to do things just like we do today?

James: I guess you could do it that way, but I was expecting to do define them as standalone documents and then build them in

Matt_King: To solve 2386, we could write some code that extracts and duplicate that content during the build process

jugglinmike: There may be some examples where an iframe is less appropriate. Dialog for instance

jugglinmike: But in general, I like the idea of pursing the iframe route (rather than generating a separate document by extracting the example source) because it increases parity between how people experience the examples in either context

jugglinmike: As those experiences diverge, I worry about differences which result from our build process

Matt_King: If this works, though, then eventually, we might put iframes on every example page

Matt_King: Once we figured out a pattern, it probably wouldn't be that large of a project to move in that direction

[discussion about how such an iframe would work generally for APG examples]

jugglinmike: We also have to consider how we manage the examples' controls. For arigilmore patch, we intentionally placed the controls outside of the iframe, but it's not clear if/how we should include them for folks who access the iframe content directly

Potential combobox value bug?

link: w3c/aria-practices#2813

Matt_King: I could use some help verifying this because it was reported with a screenshot

Matt_King: I can't tell which example it concerns

Jem: It looks like the Editable Combobox with Both List and Inline Autocomplete Example

<Jem> Editable Combobox With Both List and Inline Autocomplete Example

Matt_King: Thanks; I'll add a link in the issue itself

Matt_King: What is the issue when they put in a number less than 10?

Jem: VoiceOver says the number followed by "s t a t e"

Matt_King: This sounds like it might be a screen reader bug, if it is a bug

Matt_King: I'm going to follow up with the reporter

PR 1611: Markup for keybord chords

PR 1611: Markup for keybord chords

github: PR 1611: Markup for keybord chords

Matt_King: I've put a table in the agenda that shows what Nick had proposed

Matt_King: Currently, when we write our keyboard commands, like in this table, we use the <kbd> element to wrap entire chords

Matt_King: Nick recommends wrapping each key in its own <kbd> element

Jem: Visually, Nick's suggestion looks more coherent

Andrea_Cardona: Is the current markup confusing?

Matt_King: I don't know if it's confusing anyone, but I don't know if it's technically correct

Jem: because, for instance, there is no "Control plus V" button. There is a "Control" button and a "V" button; the markup Nick recommends reflects that

Andrea_Cardona: Yeah, that makes sense to me

Issue 697 about aria-expanded=false on menu buttons

Matt_King: I can write a patch for issue gh-1611. It will modify a lot of files, so the trick for me is to figure out when to submit it

Issue 697 about aria-expanded=false on menu buttons

github: w3c/aria-practices#697

Matt_King: People were so confused by this that they were suggesting a new property in gh-697

Matt_King: I have written a pull request which removes the recommendation

Matt_King: If we go that route, we will need to change three menu button examples

Bryan_Garaventa: we originally proposed this because on some devices (E.g. those based on touch), you cannot perceive menu hierarchy

Bryan_Garaventa: That leads me to two questions

Bryan_Garaventa: How do you identify hierarchy if you take it out?

Matt_King: Today, our menu buttons don't have "aria-expanded=false" when they are collapsed

Bryan_Garaventa: Oh, so this isn't about removing the attribute

Matt_King: No, so it's about applying it consistently

<siri> +1

Bryan_Garaventa: Ah! Yes, I would recommend consistency. Especially for those using touch screen devices

Matt_King: The clarity of knowing that it is collapsed is helpful

<dmontalvo> +1 to adding aria-expanded="false" when collapsed for clarity.

siri: I support this, as well

Matt_King: Sounds like we have a lot of votes here, all in favor!

Matt_King: There are three menu button examples that would need to change

Matt_King: I have already submitted a pull request for the pattern

Matt_King: I think this should be two separate pull requests. I think the code changes should be done in a separate pull request

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/a patch/a patch for issue gh-1611/

Maybe present: James, link

All speakers: Andrea_Cardona, Bryan_Garaventa, dmontalvo, howard-e, James, Jem, jugglinmike, link, Matt_King, siri

Active on IRC: arigilmore, dmontalvo, howard-e, Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King, siri