ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

26 September 2023


Andrea_Cardona, CurtBellew, Daniel, Daniel_Montalvo, howard-e, Jem, jugglinmike, Matt_King, siri

Meeting minutes

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/September-26%2C-2023-Agenda

APG community group discussion

Daniel_Montalvo: Matt_King and I have been thinking about setting up a Community Group to attract a wider group of people--including folks who may not be W3C members

Daniel_Montalvo: The separation between this Task Force and a new CG needs to be clear, of course

Matt_King: This would be similar to the structure we have in other parts of WAI

Matt_King: It would also bring in people within W3C member organizations who don't want to commit to the Task Force

Matt_King: Hopefully that would inspire those folks to join the Task Force eventually, too

Matt_King: We'd make a new GitHub Group for the CG--one whose access would be limited to the APG repository

jamesn: Would we envision this working something like the ACT?

<Jem> James, do you mean ACT or AT group?

Matt_King: Yes, it would be a partnership. I'd like to hold the Task Force meeting and Community Group meeting together at some regular cadence

jamesn: What's the task of the CG versus what's the task of the Task Force?

Matt_King: They have the same task. Everything that comes out of the community group would go through the Task Force

Matt_King: But I'd try to focus on tasks with "lighter lift" for folks in the Community Group

Matt_King: We already review pull requests from members of the public. The community group would just let them signal a little more commitment and receive a little more support

Matt_King: Over time, I want to experiment with different ways of onboarding people and training people and generally getting more members of the public to contribute high-quality pull requests

Matt_King: There are several people at Meta Platforms Inc and elsewhere who have expressed interest in a lower-commitment group like this

Jem: We have the AT Community Group because it doesn't have a Task Force

Jem: I fully agree with Matt_King about having an APG Community Group, and that having such a group removes some barriers

Jem: But to rephrase jamesn's question: what distinguishes the two groups?

Matt_King: Community Group members won't be making a commitment to join the ARIA working group or attend this meeting on a regular basis. CG members are free to come and go as they choose

Matt_King: This is an experiment. It might fall flat on its face, but it might work!

Matt_King: It's kinda hard to plan everything out in advance. A lot of what happens in situations like this depends on the specific participation

jongund: Is the group going to meet on a regular basis? Or will it meet on an ad-hoc schedule?

Matt_King: Once we have it in place, I would like to set up a schedule and a plan that involves having some Community Group events whose purpose is to introduce a variety of opportunities for people to get involved

Matt_King: i.e. specific GitHub issues

Matt_King: That's probably something for 2024. At first, I'm interested in getting the infrastructure set up

jongund: Couldn't folks at Meta and other W3C organizations just join the Task Force temporarily

Matt_King: I suppose so, but that seems like the wrong signal to send. I don't want to encourage it

jamesn: And it's a bit cumbersome--you still have to ask your representative to add you

Matt_King: And it's churn for the chairs, as well

Matt_King: I'm thinking of calling it "ARIA Authoring Practices Community Group". I don't know if anyone else has other ideas for names

jongund: What about relationships with OpenUI or other folks developing widgets?

Matt_King: They produce examples, but I don't think they're a library

jongund: Well, the people who do develop UI libraries may be good candidates for inclusion in this Community Group

Daniel_Montalvo: I would leave "Guide" out of the CG name since it may be taken as "guidance"

Matt_King: Good point!

Status of Site Updates

Matt_King: I listed the things that we have ready

<Jem> +1 to Daniel's suggestion, leaving out the word, "guidance".

Matt_King: I'm hoping to do a publication next week or possibly the week after

howard-e: I won't be available on October 9, so October 2 would be better

Matt_King: Okay, let's plan on publishing on October 2nd

dmontalvo: Shawn also won't be available on the week of October 9th

<Jem> shawn henry

<Jem> she is the owner of Wai tempate repo and publication

Matt_King: All the more reason to target October 2nd

Matt_King: At a minimum, we'll have all of the things listed in today's agenda under "status of site updates"

Jem: I just finished the review for skipTo.js

Matt_King: But we need to coordinate that change with WAI ARIA Practices, and I haven't seen anything on that, yet

Matt_King: But since it doesn't change the user experience, I don't think we need to rush to get it into this coming publication. It's more of an invisible back-end kind of thing

New contributing page is ready for final review

New contributing page is ready for final review

github: w3c/aria-practices#2734

Matt_King: This was an issue that jongund raised and that we've been collaborating on

Matt_King: I recently changed it from "draft" to "Ready for review"

Matt_King: It's purely editorial

Jem: I'd like to review

dmontalvo: I'd like to take a look, too

Matt_King: It links to a WAI page about joining the Task Force

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-236--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/contributing/

Matt_King: Ideally, I would like to merge this in time for next week's publication. It's a pretty simple page

Matt_King: The primary change that I made was to the organization of the information

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-236--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/

Matt_King: I have a brief introduction that gives people a sense of what's on the page

Matt_King: Then, each of the sections after that are about how you do a different task

Matt_King: They're ordered in increasing levels of commitment, with the final section about joining the working group

Matt_King: The "readme" link is under the section titled "Making improvements to documentation or code"

<Jem> https://deploy-preview-236--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/about/contributing/

Matt_King: I pulled some of the content from the readme into this section in order to give a high-level overview of the process

Matt_King: I don't know if we will leave that content in the README. It doesn't hurt to have it in both places, but then again, maintenance is kind of a hassle

Jem: We had a question about how the APG workflow works. Should we give an overview for people who are trying to contribute?

Matt_King: Yes, but I think that goes in a different place. I think we need to extend the README with some information about how the repositories are structured and the process for checking your work

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices#2781

Andrea_Cardona: I'd like to review, as well

Matt_King: This page is all about, "if you're just getting started, here's where you find out where to go"

<Jem> w3c/aria-practices

siri: So you're just looking for feedback on text rather than accessibility issues?

Matt_King: It's really just copy, so if there are accessibility issues, they will likely pre-date the patch and extend across the entire site

PR 2775 feed example

PR 2775: Feed example changes

github: w3c/aria-practices#2775

arigilmore: We updated a few examples so it's inside the page, within an iframe

arigilmore: We updated the content so there aren't multiple H1 elements on the page

<Matt_King> Example page in preview: https://deploy-preview-248--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/patterns/feed/examples/feed/

arigilmore: We moved the select element which controls the simulated speed of loading. It's no longer displayed alongside the example--it's now outside of the iframe

<Jem> Title is updated to "Infinite Scrolling Feed Example"

Matt_King: I see the title tag now says "Infinite Scrolling Feed Example". I remember discussing whether it should be "infinite" or "infinitely". I think the title you have here is fine

Matt_King: On the pages where we have example instructions or options, we had a dedicated section for those above the section labeled "example" (eg on "carousel" or "Tree grid")

arigilmore: Ah, I see--the sections titled "Example options"

arigilmore: Along with a little note about what the option does

Jem: When we change the timing option, do we need a reload native link?

Matt_King: JAWS handles the change gracefully

Jem: Is there any visual indication that more items are loading?

arigilmore: No, though you can see the size of the scrollbar change

Matt_King: This is awesome work!

arigilmore: The only other issue was that the tests weren't working

arigilmore: The tests fail because it can't find the page

<jongund> I have to leave a little early today.

jugglinmike: this might be related to WebDriver, since you need to explicitly manage context when traversing between documents (e.g. into an iframe)

arigilmore: Ah, that sounds familiar. I'll try again and ping you on the issue if I'm still having trouble

Matt_King: Once we address these two issues, we can add reviewers in the next meeting

PR 2780: Fix for iOS Safari combobox bug

github: w3c/aria-practices#2780

Matt_King: We had a visual design review from Jem and a code review from jongund

Matt_King: If we can get those reviews done this week, I think we can land it in time for the deployment we're planning for next week

Matt_King: We don't need any other reviewers because this is a CSS fix

Matt_King: jongund has done his review, so it's up to Jem!

Matt_King: We're gonna have another great publication next week!

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/repositor/repository/

Maybe present: arigilmore, dmontalvo, jamesn, jongund

All speakers: Andrea_Cardona, arigilmore, Daniel_Montalvo, dmontalvo, howard-e, jamesn, Jem, jongund, jugglinmike, Matt_King, siri

Active on IRC: CurtBellew, dmontalvo, howard-e, jamesn, Jem, jongund, jugglinmike, Matt_King