Breakout on Web of Things Scenarios at Home Assistant

13 September 2023


Andrei_Ciortea, Chus_Garcia, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, dezell, Ege_Korkan, In_Song_Lee, Jorge_Mzo, kaz, ktk, Kunihiko_Toumura, mahda-noura, Mahda_Noura, Minyong_Li, Minyoung_Li, Pablo_Coca, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Cristiano Aguzzi, Ege Korkan, Josh Cohen, Michael McCool

Meeting minutes


<dezell> David Ezell, with Conexxus

<Robert_Winkler> Robert Winkler - Deutsche Telekom - Software architect of Magenta Smart Home

<Ege> Ege Korkan, Siemens AG, WoT CG Co Chair, WoT WG Participant

<cris_> Cristiano Aguzzi, Invited Expert

<Yves> Yves Lafon, W3C.

mahda-noura: Siemens

Daniel: Invited expert

<minyongli> Minyong Li, Individual

<kaz> Kaz Ashimura, W3C

<nhk-ryo> Ryo Yasuoka NHK

<ktoumura__> Kunihiko Toumura, Hitachi

<kaz> Robert_Winkler

<Mizushima> Tomoaki Mizushima, Internet Research Institute, WoT-JP CG Co Chair, WoT WG/IG Participant

<kaz> Joshc

<joshco> Josh Cohen. Home Assistant user, I joined the w3c WoT community group, and asked the co-chairs what WoT support exists for Home Assistant. :) I'm a former Microsoft standards person, worked on GENA (UPNP chap4), WPAD, WS-Management.

<kaz> Osamu_Nakamura, Keio University


<kaz> slides: @@@1

ege: introduction on the wot

ege: what is different in IoT? not contraint to a certain area, and considers the influence on the physical world

ege: interoperability and walled garden problems in IoT

<kaz> Tetsuhiko_Hirata, Hitachi

ege: part of the landascape is presented

ege: each domain has its own protocols, standards and formats...
… there are now 4 normative deliverables available from wot
… implementations of wot in different events, plugfests

cris_: family of w3c standards and wide market adoption, open source

cris_: wot is not a protocol, rather we define a data model to describe new Things

cris_: core specification of TD, affordances
… domain knowledge, json-ld serialization
… possibilities enabled with a TD
… overview of the available documents: architecture, discovery, profile, binding templates, scripting API and use case

ege: WoT related events at TPAC

ege: introduction to home assistant, smart home gateway solutions, auto-discovery of products

joshco: example imlementation of scene with ESPhome
… home assistant ESPHome panel, logic defined in yaml

kaz: Given this is a TPAC breakout which includes people who don't participate in the WoT-WG/IG, it would be nice to describe the background a bit more, e.g., what kind of services from which vendors for "Home Assistants" to be integrated with WoT.

ege: wot integration, southbound for home assistant, northbound TDs for the REST API of home assistant
… integration scenario figure prepared by josh

ege: different ways of southbound, different ways of home assistant integration

adrian: I wanted to have RDF observations from my AC, I plugged Node-RED and had problems in HA with the events, would be interesting to annotate event in HA so that the consumption is easier

kaz: It would be nicer to clarify what kind of service and device are included in which way, and what component from which vendor is handled how. Then which part to be handled by WoT to cope with the existing difficulty.

<Mizushima> +1 for kaz

cris_: all the setup that is needed to onboarded the device is included in the TD

<Zakim> dezell, you wanted to ask about environment for discovery

<ktk> +1 on this idea from dezell

david: question on the discovery, are you creating a catalogue for devices, could change the industry, would be an opportunity for wot to create a schema.org

kaz: my poiny is simply, when we say HA with WoT, what are existing HA mechanisms are to be discussed here?

ege: wot would be another button added to the HA

kaz: do you want a new home assistant framework with WoT?

ege: no, enhanced thanks to wot

<kaz> [ got clarification that "Home Assistant" is an opensource project here. ]

ege: presents the northbound interface, an example is shown

ege: another example for ESPHome integration

ege: for manufacturers, they can write TDs for their devices and allow the gateway to discover it

adrian: can you show the northbound code again, I think this goes in the direction of what I mentioned, HA is weak in terms of semantic, and if we can find people who can contribute, and enable people to add the semantics

ege: what would be good semantic technologies

adrian: I would make cubes and write it in a triple store, and could migrate my use cases

Slideset: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1C-uQLogQbf8e62hXoaE3WnxB0Dmh40EXOCb_7Qthyug/edit#slide=id.p

<cris_> discord WoT CG: https://discord.gg/RJNYJsEgnb

<Robert_Winkler> At DT we integrated hundreds of devices via WoT. It might make sense to align on a common semantic schema for Smart Home devices with Home Assistant and learn from eachother.

<ktk> FYI I documented my hacks with Home Assistant & Node Red & Triplestore in this video

<cris_> github: w3c/wot-cg

<ktk> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqSf-z30x-M

<cris_> wot cg: https://www.w3.org/community/wot/

<cris_> cris: if we implement northbound integration we can open to possible integration with WoT gateways like WebThings from ex Mozilla

ege: we could have Q/A and discussion

kaz: how do you want to proceed? do you want to work on this topic as part of the WoT CG? Or do you want to bring this discussion to the WoT WG as a possible use case?

ege: yes we could bring it as a use case

kaz: my main focus point is always use cases rather than solutions

ege: did you talk with any one in the community adrian to tell about your problems?

adrian: no

<kaz> [adjourned]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: i/Kunihiko/Tetsuhiko_Hirata, Hitachi/

Succeeded: i/introduction on the wot/topic: Presentation/

Succeeded: i/introduction on the wot/slides: @@@1/

Succeeded: s|provide some more technical details on the services possible with wot|Given this is a TPAC breakout which includes people who don't participate in the WoT-WG/IG, it would be nice to describe the background a bit more, e.g., what kind of services from "Home Assistants" to be integrated with WoT.|

Succeeded: s/from/from which vendors for/

Succeeded: s/it will be nice/It would be nicer/

Succeeded: s/was/are/

Succeeded: s/in which ways/in which way, and what component from which vendor is handled how. Then which part to be handled by WoT to cope with the existing difficulty./

Succeeded: s/idea from kaz/idea from dezell/

Succeeded: s/proceed,/proceed?/

Succeeded: s/, maybe as a use case?/? Or do you want to bring this discussion to the WoT WG as a possible use case?/

Maybe present: adrian, cris_, Daniel, david, ege, joshco

All speakers: adrian, cris_, Daniel, david, ege, joshco, kaz, mahda-noura

Active on IRC: cris_, dape, dezell, Ege, Ian, joshco, kaz, ktk, ktoumura__, mahda-noura_, minyongli, Mizushima, nhk-ryo, Robert_Winkler, Yves