ARIA Authoring Practice Guides

01 August 2023


andrea_cardona_, CurtBellew, howard-e, jongund, Matt_King

Meeting minutes


JK: Site updates, PR by howard

Howard: Publication has happened about 2 hours ago, it seems to be working

MK: There were some changes to colors, I am doing some testing

MK: Can people go through the site, background colors on landmark pages...

JK: I have checked background colors of landmarks, what is the scope of the changes

MK: We can walk through the list right now

MK: SkipTo has been updated

listing PR that are included in update




JG: I can look at SkipTo

JK: PR2750

MK: You looked at the production pages today?

MK: We need to check the production website, not just preview

Pull request reviews



MK: Who is doing code and test review?

AC: I did code review along time ago, but I can do it again

MK: The most recent changes are fixing a broken regression test

MK: Andrea can you test again

AC: Yes

PR 2723

Select-only Combobox Example: Fix scroll event listener bug

MK: We are now at the point, there are trhree tests functional, code and test...

MK: Both this and the previous PR, can we test the scroll behaviors

MK: We talked about it a few weeks ago, but add it as a separate issue

AC: How would you do an infinite scroll example, in this PR or a separate PR

AC: One concern is an infinite scrool example?

MK: Including in the regression tests and test that checks scroll behavior

MK: We want to see if the scroll works with active descendants

JG: I think I said I would look as how to do the scrolling test on listbox examples using active descendant

MK: I am going to raise an issue for testing scroll behvaior

MK: We won't require this test for this pull request, is valarie going to be able to review?

MK: We need reviews on function, code and tests

MK: I asked Valarie to re-review it

JK: She suggested the code and we implemented it, what does she need to do

MK: I am asking Valarie to re-review

Add guidance for mark role #2753

MK: I added it to the table and name is prohibited

MK James can you look at this one?

JN: Yes


JK: We have 4 months left on roadmap

<Jem> https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/milestone/19

MK: Update ob feed example

MK: I will work on 1262

MK: Rating slider is not a good pattern, JG can you do this?

JG: I will look at it

MK: Andrea will work on updating PR page

MK: JG can you look at the contributing page?

JG: Yes

MK: We need stuff for annotations, for aria-details

JN: aria-braillelabel is 1.3

JN: Checking

JN: None of the braille ones are 1.2

MK: I am not really sure, if we want to put in naming and labeling

JN: We want lot's of warnings on you should be an expert

MK: I am going to take ownership of the braille ones

MK: Term and definition no longer support author naming

MK: Is this a 1.3 change?

JN: We prohibit label on a bunch of stuff

MK: I will take ownership of this one, details, suggestion...

JN: annotation work

MK: I thik we should have... , there a need for plan here, the annotation stuff belongs togther some place

MK: creating some type of pattern that uses these things, or do both

MK: Are there any patterns we should present that use the annotation roles?

JN: AL has some examples, but we want to go further

MK: Does anyone have a pattern example?

JK: AL has code pen examples

<Jem> https://codepen.io/aleventhal/full/VxByVK

MK: SHould we add something to the patterns page?

MK: I don't think there is a comment pattern

JK: I am looking at the source code from AL example

JN: What are you looking for?

JK: I am checking his annotations example

MK: We have an editor toolbar, but nobody is looking for an annotation pattern

JN: we need example of how this works

MK: We have three issues here

<Jem> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DYrsHDk6Y9071A1fRg8g8NZ_DtGYraX5BcVY-taBzMQ/edit

MK: What is the time line for PR

JN: The PR will probably be next summer

MK: I am going to take the TODO for these issues

MK: I think we can do this before ARIA 1.3 goes to PR

MK: I want to see if we can make progess by the end of the year

MK: We are starting to get more people from outside the working group participating

New actions

JK: 2751 on auto rotating image example, has anyone been able to replicate this issue

MK: ANyone want to test?

JK: Siri can you test?

SG: What is the time line?

MK: Is it a VO bug or a browser bug?

Issue 2743

<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel.


MK: The list of options empty, but you can't focus it

MK: Is it legal to have an empty listbox?

MK: What should happen

JN: We haven't made those changes, we are changing the requirements so the wording is going to change

JN: "Allowed:" roles, rather than "required"

MK: You don't require children

<jamesn> https://w3c.github.io/aria/#mustContain

JN: They still have required parents, but containers can be empty

MK: Then this issue goes away

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Maybe present: AC, Howard, JG, JK, JN, MK, SG

All speakers: AC, Howard, JG, JK, JN, MK, SG

Active on IRC: andrea_cardona_, CurtBellew, howard-e, jamesn, Jem, jongund, Matt_King