APA WAI-Adapt Task Force Meeting 31 July 2023

31 July 2023


janina, matatk, Roy, russell
janina, matatk

Meeting minutes

TPAC prep (sub-topics: break-out, hand-out, authoring tool) - https://www.w3.org/2023/09/TPAC/


We need an updated version of: https://www.w3.org/2021/10/TPAC/breakouts.html#personalization

matatk: We should propose a breakout; update our presentation; We have a new name, progress to report, etc

matatk: Leaning primarily to symbols, as it's our current primary and in CR

matatk: My prep isn't linked just yet, but will do that this week

matatk: We need to propose a session, though

Info on proposing a breakout: w3c/tpac2023-breakouts

matatk: Notes that breakouts at TPAC on Wednesdays, open to the public, and open on line

matatk: Proposals are due Sep 3

matatk: Will update on list this week


matatk: Notes tour of Google A11y facility in London; met someone into AAC; We suggested joining our effort for browser support!

janina: Worked with russell and E. A. Draffan on the handout wording; improvements are ongoing.

russell: I noticed there is no Bliss symbol for world-wide web, so I substituted Internet. We have some people who would be able to create/apply the symbols.

janina: E. A. also offered to create the symbols.

russell: It is possible to create new Bliss symbols (the language is designed for this) but custom ones may be less familiar to some readers.

janina: Perhaps we'll ask E. A. to continue, and run it by the Bliss team.

russell: Sounds good.

janina: E. A. is looking into the ARASAAC too.

Review open issues

Issue #240

<gb> #240

russell: Happy to post response to GitHub today.

*general approval on doing that from the group*

Repository: w3c/adapt

<Roy> #240

<gb> Issue 240 Could we build symbolic annotations with existing Web standards? (by DuncanMacWeb) [i18n-tracker]


<gb> Action 231 Follow up on "Well-known URL[s]" (on matatk)

matatk: We will have mtg at TPAC with well-known Web Apps WG; proposing our take-up of their approach

matatk: Gives us an approach on destinations

Sharon: She we add a comment in the issues on that?

matatk: When the mtg is arranged we can point to it in our wiki

Prospective meeting details: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2023#Web_Application_Security_WG_.281_hour.29


<gb> Issue 230 Broken link to Content module from WCAG Understanding doc [triage] (by matatk)

Sharon: Also noted adapt-action and adapt-destination no longer relevant

matatk: Several issues broken in Understanding; also text that should be in code tags

Sharon: Are there also style issues in the Explainer?

matatk: Looking at AG's Understanding doc

matatk: see 2 issues for wcag; link to content semantics shouldn't be a link for now;

matatk: then code formatting

matatk: for our Explainer we have things to resolve

Explainer: https://w3c.github.io/adapt/

[discussion re requirements doc vis a vis explainer -- we're trying to remember our intentions]

Apparently redundant Requirements doc: https://w3c.github.io/adapt/requirements/

Sharon: will create issues and do some forensic digging so we can consider what to fix

Sharon: expect requirements may have content not in the explainer because it covers other docs we pulled

matatk: it's good explainer covers more than symbols; it gives us the wider scope that we do intend


<gb> Issue 221 WAI-Adapt fallbacks to equivalent microformats (by Seirdy)

Sharon: What's the progress on this one?

matatk: I'll reply to point to the section in the new gap analysis.

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/recruited/suggested joining our effort/

Succeeded: s/#240/Issue #240/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: matatk

Maybe present: Explainer, Sharon

All speakers: Explainer, janina, matatk, russell, Sharon

Active on IRC: janina, matatk, Roy, russell, Sharon