WebAuthn WG Bi-Weekly

28 June 2023


aaberg, afox, agl, dturner, dwaite, elundberg, jbradley, jcai, jpascone, mjones, mmiller, nsteele, plh, timcappalli, tnadalin, yzhang

Meeting minutes

Categorizing and completing issues and PRs before the charter ends

Tony has marked open issues with an "at risk" tag to denote that it may be at risk for completion before the working group loses its charter

By the next meeting they should be moved to their own section for viewing/completion

TPAC Schedule

<plh> TPAC schedule

The Working Group will be meeting at TPAC in Seville on Monday and Tuesday, the CG also will be present at TPAC

Open Pull Requests


Emil: This is currently on hold until we decide if we're to add the challenge callback


MattMiller: Waiting for emlun to review

Tony: if emlun approves, any issues with merging?

No issues from those present


Matt Miller : this is fine to merge

AGL: janitorial


Tim: Resolved open comments, only unresolved comment is Nick's summary (which requires no action)


This is waiting for review by agl and jbradley


Potentially waiting for review approval

Mmiller: this would be helpful from the RP perspective, willing to approve but interested in other opinions

agl: Chrome would honor hinting if the RP provides it

Discussion around how a client hint might cause contradictions

with other fields in the authenticator request


Shane: going to add an editorial PR to indicate that userHandle has a secondary purpose: allowing authenticators to know when they have to replace a discoverable credential. I'm not going to remove any wording about account lookup

Shane: I think that there's an associated item here about whether the handle should be compulsory, this is covered in w3c/webauthn#1892

Will try to address both topics in a single PR

ACTION: Shane to create PR with link and resolutions to 1892 and 1909 for next WG meeting


There are implementation issues and concerns outlined in the comments.

Marked with at @Risk tag

If someone is willing to tackle this then rm the risk tag and assign


Emil: Functionality for this already exists

ACTION: Nick Steele to close out 1890 with comment/redirection to CG


Marked @Risk

AGL: Arnar currently on leave, probably doesn't want this to get nixed


Mmiller to review

Chair is experiencing internet woes

AGL running agenda in his stead


AGL interested in this work, are other people interested in taking this on?

Discussion around usecases


Tim: Does this require a change to credman?

AGL: Nina believes so

Consensus on the call is yes

Summary of action items

  1. Shane to create PR with link and resolutions to 1892 and 1909 for next WG meeting
  2. Nick Steele to close out 1890 with comment/redirection to CG
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: steele

Maybe present: Emil, MattMiller, Shane, Tim, Tony

All speakers: AGL, Emil, MattMiller, Mmiller, Shane, Tim, Tony

Active on IRC: plh, steele