RCH Weekly

24 May 2023


dlehn, dlongley, ivan, pchampin, phila, seabass, yamdan
manu, pchampin

Meeting minutes

phila: has anyone anything to share?

pchampin: Two things, one of them is about the DID WG, which has some intersection w/ this group.

pchampin: A survey went out for the DID WG participants two days ago, we are polling group participants about the charter. If you haven't provided feedback yet, please do.

pchampin: The second item is that I submitted an implementation report for URDNA2015 in Rust, it's one of the PRs that I added to the Agenda.

pchampin: I'm claiming success on that. :)

Round the room updates

Pull request 101 on privacy considerations

yamdan: this PR is a simple rephrasing of the previous one, which was more complex
… it has been approved by several people already
… I just want to make sure if I can merge this one.

phila: the only reason to delay would be waiting for TallTed's review

<dlongley> +1 to merge PR 101

phila: but OTOH, we need this quickly, and it has been approved by many people already

<Zakim> manu, you wanted to support of the PR.

manu: +1 to merge, and thanks to yamdan for making this proposal quickly

<dlongley> +1 thanks, Dan!

phila: earing no objection, let's merge it

Pull request 100 on identifier mapping

phila: a lot of back and forth about this one; anyone has anything to say?

dlongley: I'm happy with this PR
… yamdan has concerns, about which I made suggestions that gkellogg merged
… yamdam does this address your concern?

yamdam: if we can note the possibility of @@1 I am ok with merging

<dlongley> https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/pull/100/commits/61eecaf862a925a8ae629091c6df10a4b1f339e2#diff-97efdc0e30285fae4d5cb7cc4a510dbaa7c33f4e56d4216dcde109ad2cdef15fR1319-R1325

phila: since you have a condition, could you please add a review in the PR?

dlongley: the link above is the text that is meant to address that concern
… [reads the text]

yamdam: it is almost perfect for me

<dlongley> even the same implementation could do it

<dlongley> +1

yamdam: I just want to add a little something -- will make a suggestion

ivan: the PR itself is fundamental, and contains a lot of things
… I wonder if it would not be better to merge it,

<yamdan> +1

<dlongley> +1 to that... Dan?

ivan: and make a separate PR for yamdam's suggestion

<dlongley> +1 then

+1 to merge

<dlongley> +1 to merge now and update the note subsequently.

phila: ok, so yamdan please merge #100 and make a new PR

<dlongley> +1 to close PR 99 (original privacy considerations PR)

phila: jumping back to the previous topic (sorry)

+1 to close original (pending close) item

<yamdan> +1 to close PR99

phila: since we agreed to merge yamdan's new PR on privacy issue, we can close #99 without merging it

PR 105 w3c/rdf-canon#105

pchampin: This is an implementation in Rust, hadn't run the test suite, but implementation that I just released passes all of the tests... that's one more implementation.

phila: this is uncontentious, then

Issues before wide review https://github.com/w3c/rdf-canon/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3AHorizontalReview

phila: we will soon go to CR, with existing complete implementations, this is good
… we need to check the horizontal review
… a11y and i18n are done
… we have done privacy, but not security

ivan: what do you mean by "done"?

<phila> w3c/rdf-canon#68 (comment)

phila: for i18n we had feedback from Adisson back in January
… and his response was "you are good to go"

ivan: the process is always changing, I though we need an explicit approval

phila: do you want me to ask Addison for a more formal approval?

ivan: yes, that would be better

<phila> Issue 69 is a11y w3c/rdf-canon#69

phila: we asked for a11y review in January, I said "we probably don't need anything"
… Janina responded "you are probably right, but let's go through the process"

<phila> Security section https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-canon/#security-considerations

phila: but no feedback since. Need to ping them.

phila: privacy done (thanks again yamdan), need to do security
… so that we can request TAG review
… yamdan would you be able in the coming weeks, to turn issue #70 into some text in Section 7 ?

yamdan: I can give it a try; but it might not be sufficient
… I don't have any experience in formal verification

pchampin: I have contacted a few people that I know in the formal verification space. The last feedback I got is that the challenging part of the algorithm is that it recurses. Recursion can't be known a-priori.

pchampin: I have to go back to my email to get more detail.

seabass: I know some people who have done that; from what I understand it is quite expensive

phila: I'm starting to be worried about this

ivan: where does this requirement for formal verification come from?

manu: this came from an earlier discussion in the WG. Someone asked if we had a formal verification of the whole algorithm.
… A lot of programs that many people use everyday don't have a full formal verification. This should not be scaring us excessively.
… Many people have reviewed the algorithm and found no issue.
… Many W3C specs don't have any formal verification.

ivan: so this does not come from the official W3C security review. This is us being very diligent.
… Let's not wake up sleeping dogs, and let's not keep this section saying "incomplete".

<pchampin> +1, this is a nice to have, but not a requirement

dlongley: we should mention that implementers could (and should) have a timeout after which their implementation bails out

ivan: this should indeed be in the security consideration

phila: dlongley, you made that point from the start, and I'm pretty sure there was consensus on that
… so I thought it was already in there

ivan: it is good to document dataset poisoning

pchampin: I think that there *is* a parameter in the algorithm to limit the number of recursions

dlongley: I don't think there is one in the current algorithms. And this is just one of the way of implementing a timeout.

<yamdan> Thank you dlongley for your help!

<Zakim> ivan, you wanted to comment on the tag

ivan: can we move on the TAG's review?

phila: I was waiting for the security section, but apart from that we should be good

ivan: the TAG also asks for an *explainer* (because they have so many things to do)
… Could the explainer that was attached to the proposal be good enough for the TAG?

phila: I hope so
… I'll make sure they have all they need.
… I really would like to go to CR before the northern hemisphere summer holiday.
… We seem to have covered all issues marked as ms:CR
… Does anyone see anything other issue that we should address in priority?


phila: let's walk through them all then.

issue 16 w3c/rdf-canon#16

<ivan> +1 to Dave

dlongley: the input of the algorithm implicitly excludes duplicates
… there are no duplicates in an abstract dataset
… so I'm inclined to close it

+1, agree with dave, feels like duplicates are handled by the processing steps

ivan: ok to close, but we should document the response

<pchampin> +1 agree with dlongley

dlehn: I'm not sure that all parsers reject duplicates; this is an implementation detail

ivan: it is still out of scope, we do not define parsers

<dlongley> +1 to ivan -- it's the same as "is the N-quads input syntactically correct"

ivan: likewise, we do not say "check that the input n-quads is syntactially correct

pchampin: I sympathize with Dave Lehn's points, my implementation also supports multiple occurences of the same quad in the dataset... maybe a note would be useful... on the oher hand, I do agree with the points where this is in our purview.

pchampin: Do we want to say anything in a note?

ivan: We don't need to say anything, do we?

pchampin: But if your implementation can have duplicates, do we need to say anything?

phila: It feels like "garbage in / garbage out" -- feels like there are so many statements like that we could say.

seabass: Where would such a note go?

ivan: Don't know. :)

phila: That's the issue :)

phila: if PA wants this to be a note, he gets to write the PR. :)

<phila> subtopic Issue 54 w3c/rdf-canon#54

dlongley: I'd like to just answer and say "no"
… we can't add anything to the dataset without changing the hash

<yamdan> +1

seabass: when you create the dataset, you may want to use the c14n algorithm to mint your ids

<dlongley> w3c/rdf-canon#54 (comment)

<dlongley> ^writing what seabass said

seabass: should we support that use case?

phila: IIUC, the answer to the question is still no

seabass: obviously, the answer to the question in the title is "no", but I read the issue as asking a slightly different question

ivan: Tobias has long worked on nanopublications
… we could ask him to write a note about how to apply rdf-canon with nanopubs, but no impact on our core work

dlongley: agree with ivan

phila: we closed several issues, making progress, thanks everyone
… markus will be chairing next week

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/Sectiry/Security/

Succeeded: s/Subtoipic/Subtopic/

No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: pchampin

Maybe present: manu, yamdam

All speakers: dlehn, dlongley, ivan, manu, pchampin, phila, seabass, yamdam, yamdan

Active on IRC: dlehn, dlongley, ivan, manu, pchampin, phila, seabass, yamdan