Spoken Presentation Task Force Teleconference

24 April 2023


Alan, Dee, matatk, SteveNoble

Meeting minutes

Agenda Review, Membership & Announcements

AT letter

we resolve to use the updated AT letter https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki/Re:-AT-Vendors with public and private feedback channels.

mhakkinen: I think it's best if this letter goes out from the chairs
… if there are multiple contacts with a vendor, make sure we're looking at different parts of the vendor (e.g., narrator vs. immersive reader) and not just the company name.

matatk: if we send everything out as BCC in one go, we can cc the list so we can see that it's gone out.

matatk: we're just composed the letter in HTML format. Maybe we want to send it out as plain text?

I'll probably just send it as HTML since the main emails are in the text.

matatk: what should the subject be?

1) AT Feedback: Spoken HTML Specification

2) Feedback Request: Spoken HTML Spec

3) Request for Your Feedback: Spoken HTML

4) Spoken HTML: Request for Your Feedback

5) Request for Your Feedback: W3C Spoken HTML Specification

Action Items

Github Issues and examples

nothing new

Other Business

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 210 (Wed Jan 11 19:21:32 2023 UTC).


No scribenick or scribe found. Guessed: PaulG

Maybe present: mhakkinen

All speakers: matatk, mhakkinen

Active on IRC: Alan, Dee, matatk, mhakkinen, PaulG, SteveNoble